Death of an Artistic Girl #02

On the bedside is a famous quote from French writer Proust: "Great works of art are not as disappointing as life, they are not like life, which always gives us all the best in the beginning. "We need to sacrifice for art.
I believe these fragments must exist. And in many places.
I am Yijun, Wanlin, and Xiao Zisui.


Yijun is 1.7 meters tall. He is not fat, but he will not be described as thin. Because she is a girl in the family, a few words often appear in chats: I am the little princess. Pink clothing is the basic equipment, and the mask should also be matched with pink. I like to hear people say that he is a girl, but the truth is that she is a girl who is already thirty-six years old, but those who have not yet stepped on the stage in the art circle are considered girls. .

Yijun specializes in academic research. From the first day he met, he said his love for research, but only said it. After graduating from university, he chose to go to Taipei. Under the pressure of work, he first went to a gallery as a counter student. From this moment, his life was not just ordinary trivial matters, but more "art", one can answer The "art" of life.

A famous quote from French writer Marcel Proust on the bedside: "Great works of art are not as disappointing as life, they are not as life as always giving all the best at the beginning. for us.” We need to sacrifice for art, money doesn’t matter, love is just a little thing.

Yijun began to watch the exhibition and listen to the tour guide, and even went abroad to participate in the biennale. The punch card proved that excerpting the artist’s words became a necessary way to post, and the limited-time news must be put on “#arrived in Paris”, “# sat in a cafe” One afternoon", "#Memory of Notre Dame", "#picturesque Rhine", gradually social software is filled with girls who are similar to themselves, it is inevitable that it is necessary to put one's origin in the online world , The girls come from different art galleries, galleries, associations, etc., but the work position column is blank, "I don't want to limit myself." Yijun explained. Under the strong social structure of Facebook, Yijun clicked on the invitations of artists to make friends one by one. We used to work in the same art museum. This is Yijun's opening remarks. I like the teacher's work and then discuss it.

Yijun knows that the art circle is actually a face-to-face industry, and education is one of them, which represents your class. Yijun chose to use "art history" to package himself, and chose the institute in the south, where he learned "research" in the course. Actively ran to the museum to watch the exhibition, hoping to meet someone in the corner of the exhibition to discuss art history, without talking about too core topics, with text, imagination, identification, analysis, discussion, re-socialization, etc. in the discourse, Everyone will tacitly point out that it is enough to form a sentence with some nouns that cannot be easily defined.

Gradually, Yijun passed through the greenness of her twenties, and time did not stop. When she was 36, she broke up with her third boyfriend, did not finish her thesis, and returned to the north to continue her work and study. Seeing that the gallery has come in more Young girl, Yijun knows that she should think about the next step, as long as it is a full-time job regardless of the job content, it doesn't matter, here is close enough to art.

At the welcome dinner, a colleague asked what he was doing before, and Yijun replied, I was doing research. The colleague exclaimed that the person who did the research was actually sending and receiving official documents. The supervisor must have lost his mind and was overkill. Yijun said with a smile, my research institute is studying art history! Colleagues all held grievances for Yijun. How could such qualifications be placed in this small office? That's right, "researching" art is Yijun's lifelong career, and Yijun's life focus.

Marcel Proust's Du cote de chez Swann features the famous Madeleine passage (Everyman's Library) <lt-mirror contenteditable="false" style="display: none;"><lt-highlighter contenteditable="false" style="display: none;"><lt-div spellcheck="false" class="lt-highlighter__wrapper" style="width: 608.743px !important; height: 31px !important; transform: none !important; transform-origin: 304.371px 15.5px !important; zoom: 1 !important;"><lt-div class="lt-highlighter__scroll-element" style="top: 0px !important ; left: 0px !important; width: 608.743px !important; height: 31px !important;"></lt-div></lt-div></lt-highlighter><lt-div spellcheck="false" class ="lt-mirror__wrapper notranslate" data-lt-scroll-top="0" data-lt-scroll-left="0" data-lt-scroll-top-scaled="0" data-lt-scroll-left- scaled="0" data-lt-scroll-top-scaled-and-zoomed="0" data-lt-scroll-left-scaled-and-zoomed="0" style="border: 0px none rgb(179, 179, 179) !important; border-radius: 0px !important; direction: ltr !important; font: 400 13px / 1.15 -apple-s ystem, blinkmacsystemfont, "Helvetica Neue", "Segoe UI", roboto, arial, "PingFang TC", "Microsoft YaHei", "Source Han Sans TC", "Noto Sans CJK TC", "WenQuanYi Micro Hei", sans- serif !important; font-feature-settings: normal !important; font-kerning: auto !important; font-synthesis: weight style small-caps !important; hyphens: manual !important; letter-spacing: normal !important; margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; text-align: center !important; text-decoration: none solid rgb(179, 179, 179) !important; text-indent: 0px !important; text-rendering: auto !important ; text-transform: none !important; transform: none !important; transform-origin: 304.371px 15.5px !important; unicode-bidi: normal !important; white-space: pre-wrap !important; word-spacing: 0px ! important; overflow-wrap: break-word !important; writing-mode: horizontal-tb !important; zoom: 1 !important; -webkit-locale: "zh-Hant" !important; -webkit-rtl-ordering: logical ! important; width: 608.743px !important; heigh t: 31px !important;"><lt-div class="lt-mirror__canvas" style="margin-top: 0px !important; margin-left: 0px !important; width: 608.743px !important; height: 31px !important ;">Marcel Proust's "Du cote de chez Swann" has the famous Madeleine passage (Everyman's Library)</lt-div></lt-div ></lt-mirror>


Back at today's dinner table, Wan Lin was a little different. "Besides lectures, I finally have other jobs!" The reason for the radiance is this. In the next month or so, Wanlin was absent from the lunch break. The conversation between Yijun and I always stopped at how boring it was to send and receive official documents, and then turned to news reports to see which artist fell in love with someone who shouldn’t be loved. . After eating the same daily fried sauce noodles, the small shop without air-conditioning looked a little stuffy, the electric fan made a creaking sound, and Yijun and I were not in a hurry to leave after knowing the lunch break mode, and the proprietress provided it for free The iced black tea, only sweet and nothing else.

"Ding dong!" "Ding dong!"…

"Ding-dong!" "Ding-dong!" "Ding-dong!" "Ding-dong!"

The vibrating sound of the two people's mobile phones started at the same time. Yijun and I glanced at each other. Wan Lin joined us at the silent dinner table from the far end. "Other work" seemed like a mess, and Wan Lin turned from love to hate.

It’s a short walk from the small noodle stand back to the office. Yijun and I had a few conversations, but neither of them were in the mood. Yijun let out some meaningless sighs from time to time. The streets didn’t change much. About an hour ago. The triangular cone of Xiuma Road still blocked our sidewalk, and the turf before entering the administrative area was still not shaded. It was originally just a slightly hot lunch time, and the mobile phone continued to burn Wan Lin’s anger.

Wanlin was born in a small town in Changhua. She left her hometown during college and went to the north to study. After graduation, she stayed in Taipei despite everything. Like Yijun, she chose to work in a gallery. She is still working as a volunteer at the art museum all the time, and Wanlin's eyes brighten whenever she talks about that period; occasionally on vacation, Wanlin will tell us that he will "return" to the art museum this week to see the exhibition. For Wanlin, the art museum may be more like is his hometown.

With a height of 164 and a slender figure, anyone who saw him for the first time would describe him with a beautiful temperament. To live up to expectations, Wan Lin also served as an artist's model. The choice of clothing is always loose and flirtatious, gray, camel, white, and fairy-like materials are suitable for Wan Lin's body.

Wanlin is a positive person. She wants the supervisor to increase the content of her work. Educational lectures are not his ambition. Wanlin's initiative has the supervisor assign new tasks and let the sister Rufang sitting in front of me guide her. At that moment, I envied Wan Lin's frankness.

"Other work" was still an interesting case a month before Wanlin turned from love to hate. Wanlin met the master of art and visited the studio, "I even got that trophy, it's very heavy and very touching!" Wanlin Lin opened the photo to share, Wan Lin in the picture showed various poses and expressions, and the trophy looked natural in his hand.

After the visit and investigation, the new job content will start to be implemented immediately. Wan Lin is excitedly waiting for Sister Rufang's instructions. Let’s talk about the work process again. Sister Rufang decides to make Wanlin responsible for herself. Official documents, procurement, outsourcing, and write-off are all new things for Wanlin. If you make a mistake, you will have to start all over again. From the moment Wan Lin was by her side, everything backfired.

"It's not the same as what I wanted to do for an exhibition," Wan Lin complained.

In the tea room, the group of sisters in need continued the luncheon. Wanlin continued to talk about how the busy administration made him lose his enthusiasm for curating exhibitions. What does it have to do with me?" This is institutional oppression, and it is all unreasonable. "I just want to do an exhibition, why did it end up like this?" Wan Lin came to a conclusion, the episode party was disbanded, and we each carried Wan Lin's anger In a corner of the office, but still, silent.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

changYi過去潛水於藝術圈,現在暫時登出人生軌道。 喜歡逛展看電影,買書頻率大於看書,但偶爾幾本書還唸得出來。有感於每看即忘,為了不繼續惡化,簡單的記錄下來...
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