Exercise Diary - July 1st & 2nd

Recently, my left shoulder started to hurt, so I decided to set July as an exercise month, doing some exercise every day, as a friend did, and at least doing some stretching exercises.

July - Sports Month

Recently, my left shoulder started to hurt, so I decided to set July as an exercise month, doing some exercise every day, as a friend did, and at least doing some stretching exercises.

July 1

1. old age

2. Stretching: Watching YouTube with my sister, my sister is harassing me, I finally finished 15 minutes

3. 100 air bike rides

July 2

The original plan was to go swimming this morning. Because of the typhoon signal No. 8, the swimming pool was not open, so I did not go out to exercise.

misty sky

Today I mainly stay at home. Apart from taking care of my two babies, playing with them and reading, I also take time to do more indoor sports.

1 200 times of air cycling x3 times, one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Because it was easy to do 100 reps yesterday, I decided to double today. . . After 200 reps, my legs are a little sore. The last 30 or 40 reps are done by willpower, so I should keep doing 200 reps each time this week.

2 I found out that the YouTuber sister has a short video for hand movement. Because of my left shoulder pain, I opened the video and followed it. Although it was 5 minutes, my arm was a little sore when I finished it, but it relieved the pain in my left shoulder a little. Well, I can continue to do it in the future.

3 I did a 5-minute leg stretching exercise yesterday, and the intensity was just right, so this morning, I did it again before my two daughters got up. I should do this one more time before going to bed tonight.

4 After doing the leg exercise, I want to do another 10-minute abdominal muscle training. The three words in the title "Vest Line" are very attractive! However, halfway through, my sister yelled at Amei, and I was forced to stop to coax Amei. However, this abdominal muscle training is not easy, the intensity is quite high, I hope to do a complete set tomorrow.

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