"My Sister" movie review

my sister

A car accident took away both parents, and the girl, An Ran, was forced to struggle between realizing her ideals and taking care of her younger brother.

Through brotherhood, the director sets up a choice problem, depicting how women face the contradiction and tension between self-realization and family affection under the social background of "preference of sons to daughters", and also brings out the issues of today's Chinese society. Light girls also include the one-child policy, the new era of second children, and sexual harassment of girls. An Ran, who worked hard, wanted to prove herself, longing to be recognized and seen; throughout the previous generation, the aunt of the older generation is a living example of being sacrificed by a family that favors sons over daughters.

Whether it is a younger brother, an uncle, or even a boyfriend, although men are born with vested interests, the source of women's plight is not them, but the patriarchal society. Therefore, no matter how helpless and struggling An Ran was, she didn't actually hate her brother.

The difficulty for women is not only to survive in a patriarchal society, but also to face harm between the same sex, including harsh moral judgment.

I hope that after watching this movie, you can gain more insight into the identity of women, and also have more care and empathy.


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