[Private Kitchen] ~ Summer Cool Product - Jelly Jelly


Jelly jelly can only be eaten after it is cold. Ice Yibing tastes better and is suitable for this high temperature season.

I have to wait for it to cool, so I made the finished product last night, cut it up this morning and enjoy it with the toppings I like.

The jelly is the white jelly bought online. Mix the powder and water at a ratio of 1:10, then cook it on the stove, stir while cooking, and boil.

When eating, scoop two spoons of honey, put the cut jelly in it, peel a few self-supporting sour grapes, add a little bit of cool white, mix well and eat.

I plan to store the remaining unmixed jelly in the refrigerator. It will definitely taste better. When eating, it can be eaten with fruits, honey beans, condensed milk, taro balls, coconut milk, pearl powder balls, crushed peanuts or beauty rose petals. OK! Really versatile food, think summer is not so hot!


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