Billboard Advertising Matching Donation Round 3|A total of 106 users received matching donations, with a maximum of 13.89 USDT

The articles that received matching donations in this round have a wide range of topics, including book reviews, travel notes, daily sharing, painting creations, interviews, self-exploration, audio and video books, web3, etc. As of the third round of advertising, the number of people who have received matching donations from Billboard has tripled.

The advertising matching donation mechanism on the Billboard chain launched by Matters was launched at the end of March. 80% of the advertising revenue will be distributed to qualified Matters users. This matching donation has entered the third round. A total of 106 users have received matching donations, with a total of 183 For a transaction in which USDT supports the article, the maximum matching donation amount received by a single person is 13.89 USDT. (What is Billboard? Click here to learn more )

Details of the third round of matching donations

The total amount of Billboard's third round of matching donations is 201.6 USDT. The advertiser is CathayPlay audio and video platform. This advertisement starts at 12:30 on April 17 and ends at 12:30 on May 1 (both times are in the East Eighth District). After this round of advertising ends, the fourth round advertiser will be @Social Layer .

There are 106 Matters users who are eligible for matching donations this time, and the maximum matching donation amount is 13.89 USDT. Billboard’s mechanism matches donations based on the principle of “quadratic matching.” The key lies in the actual number of rewards, the amount of support, and then calculating the distribution weight of the author.

Recipients of matching donations will receive on-site notifications and emails, and can also see the list and matching donation amount in the " Third Round Billbaord Matching Donation List ."

From now on, users who have received matching donations can go to the Billboard website to claim USDT. For the claiming process, please refer to this guide: How to claim Billboard USDT matching donations?

Receiving matching donations or tipping USDT requires ETH as a gas fee. If you do not currently have ETH in your wallet, the site will airdrop a small amount to you to facilitate you to receive matching donations, or you can also use USDT to purchase.

The articles that received matching donations in this round have a wide range of topics, including book reviews, travel notes, daily sharing, painting creations, interviews, self-exploration, audio and video books, web3, etc.

How do I participate in the next round of matching donations?

As of the third round of advertising, the number of people who have received matching donations from Billboard has tripled!

Users participating in this round of rewards are: @Robert @Reading Bigeng @Angela Chen @ Gray Blue @ Red @ Erica @ Free Elf | Dobby @ Ying Xin @亜西@东加豆@swiftevo @zeckli @阿 Nan @ rock sugar grulu @ robertu @林路@abrahe @Joyu @Mekas @silm @木南@chain学生Chainee|The first stop for newbies in cryptocurrency @雪 Yangyu @sisite @Web3Matters Matt Weekly @essay diary @t7x7 @gary is a good cat @ Thirty Seven @Creator Economy IMO Treasury @Beryl and more than 30 people. Their reward support allows more wonderful articles to be seen and matched donations.

If you did not participate in the first three rounds, the fourth round of advertising has begun. As long as you meet the following conditions, you can get the next round of matching donations: (1) Bind your Ethereum wallet to your Matters account, (2) Create high-quality articles Or use old articles to get USDT rewards from others.

If you are a reader, we invite you to reward and discover good content in the community; or invite high-quality authors to bind an encrypted wallet (for how to bind, please refer to this guide ) and join the matching donation ranks.

Community feedback

Users who want to know more about Billboard's advertising matching donation mechanism can also read this article " Matters Experiments with On-Chain Advertising: Tokenization of Placements, 80% of Proceeds Returned to Creators " written by Blockchain author @Xu Mingen :

這套鏈上廣告的設計精髓,在於廣告收入的資金配捐機制相當漂亮:廣告主若要在Matters 首頁下廣告,就得先透過鏈上拍賣向Matters 取得代表廣告版位的NFT 才行。廣告費會有20% 進入Matters 口袋成為營運收入,另外80% 則進入配捐資金池由社群共同決定該分配給誰。
廣告、平方資助原本是兩個獨立概念,但Matters 將兩者結合得相當漂亮。廣告版位就像是Matters 自己的「造血機制」,不必仰賴金主捐款就能發錢給創作者。此外,Matters 眼中的「優秀內容」是能獲得越多讀者小額打賞的文章,這是以經濟誘因告訴創作者,必須想辦法提升內容品質、爭取讀者認同。
 Matters 如何在保有市場競爭的情況下保障金主的權益,分寸不好拿捏。雖然眼前有許多困難,但我還是相當喜歡Matters 積極試錯的精神。在市場烏煙瘴氣的時候,仍保持樂觀、摸索區塊鏈應用的新可能。

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!