[Private Kitchen] ~ Sweet and sour lotus root slices


Lotus root is actually a very good ingredient, rich in nutrients, but because I don't like to eat it, I rarely buy it.

There are really few vegetables in season, just those, so I bought two small pieces today, and I was not satisfied with one plate.

Prepare ingredients: lotus root, rock sugar, vinegar, salt, oil, green onion.

1) Blanch the lotus root and soak it in cold water to drain.

2) Pour oil in the pot, stir fry the amount of vegetables, add rock sugar to fry it until it candy, and fry the lotus root slices. For sweet and sour cooking, sugar and vinegar are the main ingredients, so it should be sweet and sour.

3) After frying, add a little salt and fry again. Add vinegar and fry for a few times before adding to the pot. Sprinkle with green onions and it will be ready to serve.

Because he rarely buys it, Xiaobao is still very interested in this dish. The appearance and taste are the highlights that attract him!


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