Ten years ago today, old texts became new texts.

I admit, this is an old post. I admit, this is a diary. I admit, it's a rehearsal. I admit, it's hard to write articles these days.

Matt City, it's weird again today. Typing will be automatically copied into a long row, otherwise Kaka will not be able to get in.

In Kaka, it reminds me of Facebook that I haven't logged in for a long time, I found an article ten years ago and shared it.

In Matt City, I read the diaries of two people, one is Biaoge and the other is Xiaoque. I don't say id and let everyone go on a treasure hunt.

Their diaries have a link between the past and the present, although that link is sometimes weak and sometimes strong.

Looking at Brother Biao's diary, although time and space are intertwined, there is a deep understanding of life; Xiaoque's diary has his past involvement, and he is never afraid of himself and has the courage to face himself.

Thanks to Matt City for going around in circles, allowing me to enter Facebook, which I haven't logged in for a long time, and found this old article, "Myself in Supermarket". Just enter the blockchain to save it! What is the difference between me ten years ago and me ten years later?

2012.07.28 Old article starts:

[Service industry], it sells not only the commodity itself, but also the service of people, so the term service appears.

The society is becoming more and more open, self-awareness is also on the rise, the rapid flow of information, and the three-word noun of consumers also tends to appear more frequently.

I happen to be running a small supermarket, and I have more access to the crowd than the average person. During this period, I saw a lot of consumers of all kinds. Some consumers became friends , some consumers were just guests , and some consumers only asked me to serve once . …

After brushing the arcade outside today, I was sweating profusely, looking at the clean floor with a great achievement in my heart.

Suddenly a car stopped in front of the door.

I was looking forward to it: "Don't come down, wait for the floor to dry!"

Sure enough, the hope may not come true, the guests opened the door..

Guest: "You're washing the floor!"

Me: "Yes! There are few guests on Sunday, so it can be cleaned."

Guest: "Thank you! It will be dirty."

Me: "It's okay, just wipe it again."

Well said, but I don't really mean it...

at this time

The guests took off their shoes before the arcade and walked in.

My heart was touched by his taking off his shoes.

Guest: "I passed by on Sunday night, and I saw that you were working hard to brush. I didn't dare to come in, because I was afraid of getting dirty."

Me: "You're really kind, thank you!"

This guest later became a friend...

Before playing this memory, I just met a customer who lost the money at the counter, and spoke extremely unpleasantly. or request what? I still always smile, because I think of the guest who came in with his shoes off.

Is the service industry humble? Do not.

Does the service industry be damned? Do not.

Is the service industry down? Do not.

Perhaps consumer awareness has risen, or perhaps service practitioners have failed to do their part, resulting in the kind of consumer rights disputes reported in the news.

But I believe that people are mutual, and it is not difficult for consumers to become customers and then friends.

The old text is over. 2012.07.28

This article was written on 2022.07.28. Because of the instability of Matter City, I went to Matters Lab to ask for advice. The official answer was that due to the sudden large flow of traffic into Matter City, the load was unbearable, and the background was repaired. Therefore, after writing this paragraph , crashed...

Except for the articles in the series of iron fans and fans, which are not completed in one go, I have the habit of completing the rest of the articles in one go without pausing. This article was interrupted for two days, and I took it from the draft folder to continue writing. chaos!

There is no way to explain typing at the bottom of the photo, so I understand the hard work of the station, so I have to take advantage of the free time and finish it hastily (◍•ᴗ•◍).

It happened that I also used this record to record and commemorate the attack on Matt City. 2022.07.28----07.29

The service is false, the record is true ^_^

This article has been written for two days, the first time! ! !

It is also the first time to post for the sake of posting, to see if Matt City is stable, now ^_^


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