Yoyo's birthday party



I came to the wedding room of Yoyo's parents in my hometown, and my two children have been playing in it for a long time. When I entered the door, the girl named Hanhan was jumping on the bed with two dirty "P"-shaped balloons on her feet, and the boy named Pengpeng tried to squeeze a Hello Kitty inflatable on the ground, and the two A young child can make a noise a hundred times larger than their size.

This morning, Yoyo's father had just quarreled with Yoyo's mother's family over child support. They were completely deadlocked. What that means over there is, don't come to see the child if you don't pay child support; what does that mean here is that you don't want me to look after the child, what child support? Outside the room, relatives persuaded Yoyo's father to pick her up. He said, do you think I haven't been there? Where can I see it! Then he added with disgust: that family.

In January last year, Yoyo's parents divorced. In early November, she was brought to her grandmother's house by her mother, and she celebrated her fifth birthday in her parents' former marriage room. She never saw her father again after that. On Yoyo's birthday, the wedding room was beautifully decorated. Yoyo wore a small crown and new clothes, and relatives surrounded her, as well as big cakes, snacks and various gifts. There were pink "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" letter balloons and a Hello Kitty inflatable on the wall that day. The wedding photos of Yoyo's parents were originally hung on the wall where the balloons were attached. Later, the photos were taken off, leaving only a black and long iron nail. They haven't been thrown away yet, along with all the little things that Yoyo's mother left in this room last year.

This room has not been occupied in a long time, and no one wants to clean it. These balloons for Youyou's birthday don't know how long they will stay here. They are now on the ground, under the little girl's feet, making a popping sound.


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Ariana一部分的我散落在这里。 如果半年没回来,估计我那时已经死了。
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