Li Yundi's Self-Saving Guide|Twenty Years of Miss China Studies|Let's Talk About Mary

This issue discusses three questions: Is it wrong for Li Yundi to visit prostitutes? What is China's Sexual Ethics and Does Anti-pornography Work? What should you do if this happens to you?

Hello everyone, my name is Marley. This is a small channel that has been removed for a long time, but is dedicated to improving your thinking ability and tearing fifty cents. In each issue, we will combine a political and economic case to help you analyze the reasons behind it and different thinking dimensions.

This is the content of a temporary update, let's talk about the incident of the piano prince Li Yundi. Friends who are familiar with me know that I generally don't follow current affairs and popular events, because there are too many melons now, and I can't eat them at all. And in today's Chinese public opinion environment, any hot search can be manipulated artificially. From the perspective of communication, the purpose behind it is far greater than the impact of the event itself, so let's not talk about it.

So why are we talking about the Li Yundi incident today? First, from a moral point of view, I want to stand on Li Yundi’s side. It’s okay for an unmarried normal man to pay for sex. Those law enforcement officers, whether you have done this yourself, God knows. I despise and condemn those institutions and media that eat human blood. Second, I have long wanted to talk about sexual ethics, and I just use this incident to talk about my views. Third, and also the focus of this time, I would like to talk about how to alleviate the crisis or minimize the personal impact when an individual or public figure encounters a similar incident.

If you've ever had a similar experience or want to avoid this embarrassment, be sure to watch to the end. Without further ado, let's get started.

First of all, I believe that all adult men, including Lang Lang, will be stunned when they see this news. I guess Lang Lang wiped his sweat silently, you know (Brother Lang Lang, just kidding). Haruki Murakami said, "Between the wall and the egg, I will always stand on the side of the egg." Why we know about this is because the Chaoyang police reported it. According to Article 66 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China": Whoever engages in prostitution or whoring shall be detained for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days, and may also be fined not more than 5,000 yuan; if the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be detained for not more than 5 days or A fine of less than 500 yuan. Among them, the Public Security Administration Punishment Law only stipulates punishment measures such as detention and fines for prostitutes and whoring, and does not include notification. The "Civil Code" stipulates that state organs, statutory bodies with administrative functions and their staff shall keep private and personal information of natural persons known in the process of performing their duties confidential, and shall not disclose or illegally provide them to others. So, calling Li Moudi doesn't mean leaking other people's privacy, right? Therefore, it may be safer to name Zhang San and Li Si in the future. For the same reason, some time ago, Fudan University announced the information of three prostitute students, and dismissed them according to the school management regulations.

Therefore, this method of public announcement is not fundamentally different from the mass fights in the Cultural Revolution era and the street demonstrations in the 1980s, but it used to target a group, but now it targets those who want to target, but it all makes the lawbreakers die again. . It is said that the Taliban still retains this mode of punishment.

I have mentioned a legal concept many times before. For private rights, as long as the law does not prohibit it, it is the right of the people; for public power, as long as the law does not authorize it, it is prohibited. But this is a joke for Chinese public power. I explained it in detail in the issue of "The Road to Serfdom", if you are interested, you can read it.

Therefore, I once suspected that there was no such organization as Chaoyang Mass and Chaoyang Police, but it was actually just a code name.

Okay, let's talk about the topic of "sex ethics". Before we talk about this topic, let's talk about a concept, which is the recently popular term "social death", or "social death" for short. The term "social death" first came from the American writer Thomas Lynch's "Notes of the Undertaker." He believes that there are three types of human death: one is the death of the body detected by stethoscope and brain wave instrument; the second is the metabolic death based on the activity of nerve terminals and molecules; the third is the death known to relatives, friends and neighbors, that is, social death. die. Thomas's original intention was to remind people to be kind to those who have passed away, because it still has lasting value. In the context of the Chinese Internet, subjectively speaking, "social death" is a self-deprecating catchphrase among netizens, and many people gathered in the Douban "social death" group to expose themselves to embarrassing scandals. Objectively speaking, "social death" is very scary. Generally, after someone's black material is exposed, the person's "social death" is basically announced. Coupled with the crackdown on entertainers and stars in the past two years, if you don't pay attention, "social death" will be on the scene. It’s fine for ordinary people, and the influence is their own social circle, but for those who depend on the audience to make a meal, it is basically the end of their entire career.

Among all the "social death" reasons, the sex scandal is undoubtedly the most lethal flashpoint, from the previous Huang Haibo to the current Li Yundi, from Clinton to Jackie Chan, from Edison Chen to Wu Yifan. Every male protagonist who has experienced a sex scandal seems to have a hard time returning to his former glory. Let's take the example of "sex trafficking", a sexual behavior that is popular all over the world, to talk about this marginal sexual behavior. Prostitution and whoring are a type of "sex trade". Since it is a trade, it is an economic behavior. The West has had sex trafficking activities since ancient Greece, such as the national cheap brothel in Athens, which is said to be founded by Solon, one of the seven sages of ancient Greece. The earliest record of prostitutes in Chinese history is the official prostitute system established by Guan Zhong in the Spring and Autumn Period. Therefore, regardless of the subsequent development of human society and the progress of civilization, legal or illegal, "sex trade" and "sex industry" have always existed as a kind of economic activities that are just needed. Morally speaking, sex workers use their own bodies or services as commodities in exchange for remuneration and money, without infringing on the rights and interests of others, so there is no moral impropriety. As a consumer (client), I spend money to buy this kind of service, as long as there is no coercion willingness and safety issues, then his consumption is not a problem, as for the moral flaws only depends on whether he has a fixed partner , even if there are moral flaws, it is also in the field of personal morality. Society and public power have no right to interfere and evaluate. From an economic point of view, I have already mentioned that sexual intercourse itself is an economic behavior. Like all economic behaviors in the market that are affected by supply and demand, it has its own unique ecological chain and industrial chain, which can generate economic benefits.

There is a traditional fallacy in China that sex workers are forced to engage in this activity for economic reasons and human coercion. But from a sociological point of view, sex workers are not necessarily socially disadvantaged, and economic reasons will not necessarily make people engage in sex work. Many people are based on their own pursuit of material income, or simply love sex work, or other engage in sex work for autonomous reasons.

Professor Li Yinhe, the first researcher on Chinese sex, believes that these women are also citizens, and they should have the right to engage in this kind of work and should also be protected by law. In the case of illegal sex work, these women are afraid to go to the police if they are in danger of being robbed, raped, or even killed (and the same is true for consumers). Under the current illegal circumstances, the young lady will go to the underworld, which will lead to the underworld, police corruption and official corruption. All prostitution will go to the police, officials, etc. There are many such situations. Therefore, it has been proved to be a complete failure to try to clean up with severe punishments and severe crackdowns.

Ms. Huang Yingying from the Institute of Sexual Sociology at Renmin University of China has done a field survey for nearly 20 years. She has lived and ate with hundreds of young ladies. The police are too professional. If you are interested, you can check it out, it will open your eyes. (I'll put his investigative report at the bottom of the screen)

Out of the injustice of unmarried men's sexual life, let's talk about it finally. In order to let more people avoid the scene of large-scale social death, let's take the Li Yundi brothers as an example to talk about how to get out of the current embarrassing situation. , I have some premature advice:

First, bravely admit that you "just made a mistake that every man in the world will make"

Since China currently only defines sex trafficking as an illegal act, it does not mean that it is a crime. Therefore, it is necessary for him to apologize after he comes out, and he must appear very sincere. This point can refer to Clinton, Jackie Chan, Edison Chen and other predecessors (although the nature is different, but the consequences of social death are the same). For example, frankly speaking, you are very embarrassed and embarrassed now. When you accept your embarrassing emotions, your body will no longer feel tense and your mind will no longer be rigid, so that you can continue to interact with the people around you before. No one wants this to happen. Now that it has happened, you cannot avoid it. The more you hide it, the more guilty you will feel, so it is better to admit it generously. In this way, to a certain extent, people who are targeting you or those who see your jokes have nothing to say, and it is easier to win more sympathy and empathy.

Second, defend their actions reasonably and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

Some netizens joked that Li Yundi was actually going to take piano lessons, but since it was illegal to make up lessons, he could only say that he went to whoring. In fact, this can be used as a stalk, combined with the first point, generously deny this statement, and express gratitude to netizens to show their open-mindedness and sense of humor. And solemnly declare that it reserves the right to pursue the complaint of the behavior of revealing their privacy. Although it is a symbolic statement, it can serve as a warning to some people who eat human-blooded buns and give themselves a moral advantage. At the same time, it also poses a reasonable and legitimate challenge to the current public opinion environment.

Third, be responsible for the consequences of this behavior

Because Li Yundi was involved in a lot of business behaviors and academic endorsements before the accident, such as guests in variety shows, teaching in universities, etc. Then he can state that if economic and reputational losses are incurred to the partner, he can bear the corresponding responsibility according to the contract. The compensation should be compensated, the apology should be apologized, and the corresponding legal responsibilities and obligations should be assumed. Giving partners a clear attitude will be more respectable than being a tortoise.

Fourth, cross-border endorsement

Sometimes a crisis can also become a new business opportunity. Since this incident has not yet reached the level of blocking the entire network in theory, after Brother Yundi comes out, it is almost difficult to go to the mainstream media in China to make a lot of money. If you have the opportunity, you can try to continue to operate your own media, establish a reformed personality, and use the boundary effect of this event. If there are any AIDS defense ambassadors, endorsements such as dating apps, or speakers who participate in some related activities Still not ashamed. Guan Xige's counter-attack may be a template for your reference.

Fifth, give up the Chinese market

If the above attempts are unsuccessful or encounter more severe suppression, such as directly abandoning the Chinese market. Your specialty is classical art, a craftsman, and you are good looking. You still have a technical advantage over those traffic stars. The piano itself is an art without borders and no time limit. I believe that your professional skills are still enough to support yourself. I believe you know better than me about how to do it, and you don’t need domestic traffic. Malaysian artist Huang Mingzhi proved that as long as you are talented, you can make money standing up without kneeling and licking.

Well, the content of this issue was prepared in a hurry, please forgive me, and I sincerely hope to help Brother Yundi and all the brothers and sisters who make money by themselves. Finally, let's end by quoting the words of Professor Huang Yingying of Renmin University of China, "When we try to use the sharp blade of civilization and morality to point to the lives of others, please stop and think about whose moral standards we are using to kidnap the lives of others. Whose life is it?"

Well, if you think this video is not bad, please help to subscribe, like, forward and support it, I'm Marley, see you next time, 88.


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