Viewing experience|Knight out of the mission Knight and day

I don't believe anyone who says they want to go to a safe place in the future. Century Pictures

Enjoy the movie trailer.

Saw this 11-year-old movie from HBO today.
Tom Cruise (Tom Cruise) and Cameron Diaz (Cameron Diaz) are both regulars as the main characters of the movie, and despite the absurdity of the plot, they can both act like they are easily played.

I like that many of the plots of this movie are arranged so that the male and female protagonists interact with each other.
For example, in a certain clip, the hero deceived the heroine and the enemy was about to release poison gas, and gave the heroine a can of antidote and told her to drink it first, and then she fainted (this was done to protect the heroine),
In the second half of the movie, when the hero was injured and was in the hospital, he drank a can of unknown liquid sent by the nurse. After drinking it, he was surprised and asked what the nurse gave him. As a result, the heroine, who pretended to be a nurse, turned around and said: " Antidote." (I did this to protect the hero) 😊😊😊
And in the first half of the movie, the heroine shared with the hero that one day (Someday) she will fulfill her dream, and the hero responded to Someday just a code word for never. Probably expressing that one day is usually not that day ( Immediately in my mind, every time I say next time but there is no next time...),
And in the second half of the movie (that is, when the actor wakes up after drinking the antidote), the actor asks what day is today, and the heroine replies: "Someday."
OMG couldn't resist the ingenuity of the film's plot arrangement, perhaps because it liked the subtlety of this fit.

In addition, this film is very absurd, the kind of absurdity that the protagonist's halo can never be killed, but it was a pleasure to watch.
The heroine is just an ordinary person, but when the enemy shoots at random, she still can't hit a person who is so big and doesn't know how to dodge. It's too humorous.
When the speeding car chases, only the enemy's car will collide. The protagonist's car can always drive in the reverse direction smoothly, and it can always break through the oncoming train at a critical moment and leave the enemy far behind.

Allow me to classify this film as an absurd comedy action film (I just finished watching Korea's Chicken Must-Have recently and this is also the route)
The recent love of this type is so absurd that people can't help laughing ❤️

ps Actually, I laughed when I saw the title of the movie, why didn't they plan to find Deennay for sex marketing...

 Absurdity ★★★★★ (The heroine just moves the knife into the killer's chest)
Exciting level ★★★★☆ (The car chase scene is always the perfection that reality can't satisfy)
Level of romance★★★★☆ (The hug on the cover is romantic enough)

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