Applying Poetry to the Situation|The Youth of That Year·Liu Ying

Yiren alone thinks the fluorescent light is still flying
Image credit: photoAC

It's the autumn equinox again, in the youthful years of that year. Meet next to the pool and enjoy the flying fireflies flying all over the sky. The ambiguity of each other's acquaintance and unfamiliarity are even more intoxicated in the little dark night. Whether or not he has a love girl is intentionally imagining the little fireflies along the way. The Milky Way, which shines on each other's fate, passed by in a hurry. Tonight, only the memory of the coming year is left. The fluorescent light is still flying, and I gently recite Du Mu's "Autumn Evening"

Silver candle and autumn light cold painting screen,
Qing Luo's small fan fluttered the firefly.
The sky and night are as cold as water,
Lying down and watching Altair Vega.

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芳心慢筆曾經以為自己會一直是上班族的人生 沒想到因為孩子走入了料理日常、自媒體與接案人生 謝謝文字帶我療癒自己、分享愛與感動 收錄人類圖、身心靈、素食推廣、育兒雜記等點滴記錄 歡迎追蹤💕 芳媽咪的素食料理Instagram: fangmommy.viggie
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