Exercise Log - July 4th

After three days of understanding, the best time to exercise should be after getting up in the morning, because the two daughters are still sleeping and will not be disturbed.

July 4

1 Since the past 3 days are holidays, I have time to exercise and make adjustments according to my habits. After three days of understanding, the best time to exercise should be after getting up in the morning, because the two daughters are still sleeping and will not be disturbed.

In addition, before going to bed, my sister is more clingy to me, usually asking me to tell her story books or picture books, and sometimes my sister will come over to play with me, so I have less personal time and I am more tired at night. Barely completed 200 air bike rides last night.

2 The original plan was to get up early this morning and do three exercises (abs, legs, and hands) once. But, got beat by yesterday's yoga class. My sister and her husband woke up at 6:30. My whole body was weak and a little sore. I really wanted to lie flat on the bed all day.

3 When I woke up, I noticed that my thighs were especially sore and tense. I immediately thought of the fatal yoga move yesterday. I sat on the floor with my knees bent and my hands stretched forward and prostrate on the mat. The instructor also said that another mother and I could not sit on our feet. So let our children sit or lie down on our backs. . . My thigh muscles were pulling like a tug-of-war, but I still hadn't sat down on my feet, and I couldn't have imagined that the pain was still to this day.

Photo from Unsplash

4 After yesterday's "torture" of yoga, I am still a little more relaxed today. Before going to bed at night, I do leg stretching exercises and arm exercises for 5 minutes each, and then do 200 air cycling.

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