Sharing and chasing drama~ Although it is mentally ill, it does not matter

Korea tvN to air from June 20, 2020

" It's okay to be mentally ill " (Korean: 사이코지만괜찮아 ), aired on tvN Korea on June 20, 2020

It tells the story of Wen Gang-tae (played by Kim Soo-hyun), a male nurse in a mental hospital, who constantly suppresses himself and bears huge pressure in order to take care of his autistic brother Moon Sang-tae (played by Oh Jung-se). Wen Gangtai meets Gao Wenying (played by Xu Ruizhi), a fairy tale writer with an antisocial personality.

after watching

When I watched the first few episodes, I didn't have too many thoughts. I felt that there are many anti-social personalities like heroines in reality, and I just read the fairy tales interspersed in them. It was only a few episodes in the middle that I found out that the autistic brother in the play, from the content of his natural speech and the subsequent fairy tales, brought out the development of the whole plot. One of my favorite fairy tales is "The Dog of Spring".

A long, long time ago, there was a puppy tied to the shade of a tree. He liked to wag his tail and act like a spoiled child. The people in the village called him "The Dog of Spring". However, at night, the puppy would cry secretly, pretending to be happy. The puppy wanted to break free of the collar and run and play in the fields, but couldn't. "I've been tied up for too long, so I forgot how to get rid of the collar." The fairy tale is a good metaphor, but I prefer the teleology of "Adler" . It’s not all that I want someone to have compassion and attention. Everyone has the shackles that imprison them in their hearts. The “collar” is not impossible to cut, but whether you can make up your mind to break free, it is difficult to take the first step, but you can only muster the courage. , to do what you want to do, to be your own master.

It is recommended that you burn your brain, maybe someone will be moved, changed, and happy~


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