Warm pick-up

When I send my children to school every day, I always like to see how the children are attached to their parents. That kind of attachment is not crying and clinging, but a natural hug and kiss, and then the child goes into the school by himself.

The appearance of my daughter's kindergarten is painted in the green and yellow colors of Macaron, like a bud. Every time I see it, I feel very calm and thriving. There is a widened sidewalk on the periphery, so parents can easily park and walk down with their children. After the children enter the school gate, there is a large atrium plaza, where the temperature is taken, and the children can enter the campus. This is also a space for parents to wait to pick up their children. Perhaps because there are only six classes, parents are scattered here, so every time I feel that the atmosphere is very peaceful and quiet, and the space is very comfortable.

Every morning when I send my child to school, my child will always hug me, kiss me through the mask, and say, "Mom, come pick me up early in the afternoon!" Then he walks into the atrium to enter the campus, and occasionally turns back to me. Wave.

I remember my daughter crying twice when she first started school. At that time, in the atrium of the kindergarten, the principal came to me and said, "It doesn't matter, you let her get emotional before going in." Compared with other children, they also gave The child has a little time, so at the end, after the child turns to sobbing or calm down, they will lead the child slowly into the classroom.

Compared to the one-year study now, I can still feel the love of the teachers for the children. This morning, I took my daughter into the campus. The teacher on duty happened to be my daughter's teacher. The teacher touched my daughter's head and walked in with her temperature taken. At this time, I saw another child. As soon as I entered the campus, I immediately hugged another duty teacher at the door. The duty teacher was very happy and said to her, you are very happy today, right! In the other group, foreign fathers brought their sons, and the sons hugged their fathers and kissed them again and walked in after saying goodbye. There is also a group of fathers who drove with their two sons. The younger son also hugged before leaving before entering the campus. Teachers will patiently wait for the parent-child parting ceremony. If it rains, the teacher will also come out on the sidewalk to see the situation of everyone getting off the bus, and help hold umbrellas.

As a preschool education background, I was always asked by friends how to choose a kindergarten, but in fact, even after seeing very good teachers and good reputation, I always felt that I still had to choose what my children liked. Take your child to participate in school descriptions, or visit the school exterior, ask your child what he thinks, and include his thoughts as a reference. This is my daughter’s first choice, and it’s also the first choice among the kindergartens I’ve seen. Now, seeing the fierce competition in the admissions list outside the door, I’m really grateful that I picked this kindergarten last year, and I’m very happy to have this kindergarten with heart and warmth School.

mommy i love you


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芳心慢筆曾經以為自己會一直是上班族的人生 沒想到因為孩子走入了料理日常、自媒體與接案人生 謝謝文字帶我療癒自己、分享愛與感動 收錄人類圖、身心靈、素食推廣、育兒雜記等點滴記錄 歡迎追蹤💕 芳媽咪的素食料理Instagram: fangmommy.viggie
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