Talking about "belief" from object permanence to object permanence


Thanks to borderline personality disorder, I have experienced the feeling that the object is constantly destroyed. Although I am still not sure what healed me, it may be a lot of sleep + study + cross-use of various healing methods. Living well requires at least some solid beliefs, and the object is always one of them, which is the most basic trust in human beings, which can be said to be a very basic sense of security. In my irresponsible and unprofessional knowledge, the object perpetuity is classified by me as a person, while the rest belongs to the permanence of objects .

If these are used in another way, they can be interpreted as two words-belief.

From a healthy psychological point of view it is necessary, yes it is necessary, to hold on to certain beliefs, and that belief will be the truth as you perceive it. Although I humbly believe that as a mortal, I can't fully understand the truth and reality, but believing that we have discovered certain laws in this messy world helps us have more sense of control and security. At least you have to believe, or you don't have to worry about whether the ceiling will come down, and because of this belief, you can sleep soundly tonight.

Am I taking this too far? Anyway, in addition to these, there are some additional beliefs, such as the belief of faith, the belief that good and evil will eventually end, and the belief that hard work will be rewarded, even if there may not be rewards, but at least there is still a glimmer of hope? etc. These beliefs not only give us a greater sense of security, but also give us a direction to work towards.

These "extra" beliefs, after writing so much, I finally wrote today's focus.

What happens to people when these extra beliefs are shaken? According to my observation, there is no personal safety issue, but it is very likely that you will choose to lie flat. Running hard all the time, suddenly being told that the direction might be wrong? ! Since it is wrong, is it really necessary to continue to work hard?

Doubts arise, and motivation begins to lose its former strength.

There will be this article based on the fact that my counseling sister is trying to shake my personal central idea recently. The ideological structure constructed by my eight or nine years of study is shaking, but I don’t feel afraid , because as long as it makes my future better and better, there is nothing I can't change, it's just about whether I want to change or not.

I don't think I'm a stubborn person, because I think that as long as a person will have some principles of his own persistence.

Although I really feel that it is not easy to change me, but I am actually waiting and seeing, because of course it will be very exciting to meet a better self!

to be continued?


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