Not cool 02 | Winter and spring communication


In winter and spring, when the north wind blows, the dazzling eyes and gray blue above the head will be folded into a mirage, and any comfortable feeling will be folded in half, whether it is warmth or warmth.

"Okay, what's for lunch?" Ends the long, divergent meeting with hunger. A group of people walking in the old and declining neighborhoods, in fact, there is no choice, the only difference is - whether to sit around a sticky wooden round table or an iron square table.

At noon that day, they chose round, but they were not satisfied.

"I think you seem to be particularly concerned about these things. You can be the initiator of the #MeToo movement." Sentences at the end of ah are often filled with air, like a little girl who is about to meet netizens for the first time, with airy bangs on her forehead .

"Openly admit that I am also a victim?" The voice was trapped in the throat, and there was no exit.

Nude silently stamped a big, loud red XX in her heart; she knew that whether she was using Article 221 of Taiwan's Criminal Code or the category tags on Pornhub, she was a downright victim.

She is too clear.

She habitually followed who scored the victim and scored herself.

"Hey, that's it, do you see the dotted line between 'review' and 'self-condemnation'?"

An increasingly dashed line. Naked looked up at me, smirking and distressed. Very brave.

The senior sitting diagonally across from the naked child continued to talk. When it came to the excitement, whoever started to use the sentence ending with the word ah to collage Taiwan's art and literary circles... . -...- harassment habitual offenders.

The unsatisfied round table was filled with exclamation marks one after another, and the words that were deliberately silenced were the symbols to be translated, "the most convenient taboo", and her body.

At this moment, who's face is swaying with the brilliance of motherhood, which contrasts with the stickiness of the table, which is disgusting; and the sun is sifted by the eaves of the low house ( thai ) and falls on whose back, that is when the sun can reach The farthest distance, forming a physical line of communication between winter and spring.

The naked child sitting on the winter side listened quietly, about to turn his stomach ( píng-pak ), like a fast spinning red nylon rope tied to a fish vendor in a wet market.

Time continued to rotate in the sky, not in a straight line, and went back to the sentence at the end of the word ah.

Which? Stand up and be the founder of the #MeToo movement, or the writer who slid the hand over the schoolgirl's ass.

"Impossible. How is it possible." She echoed, like a germinated seed, because it's too slow, so you have to get up quickly, so abrupt. When answering, he did not forget to put on his face with hypocritical shyness, and while speaking, he turned his left hand behind his back, and used his index finger to dig the hole the size of a cigarette butt - although it was the size of a cigarette butt, it was not quenched by the cigarette ( tshuh ) to traces.

That sweater was an old "Smog Blue" turtleneck sweater that Nude found out from her dad's wardrobe a few days ago; the HEX color code of "Smog Blue" is #C4DDF5 . She naively thought that if the "climate emergency" could be The concept of "state" is smuggled into other fields, which should make heavy issues a little "fun".

No one likes serious topics like extreme weather, like war, like sexual violence .

In this sloping world, it is necessary to stand on the balance beam, tremblingly, to focus on thinking, practice tossing and picking up topics, too few in classrooms and daily conversations, but too often in social news and TV and movie plots So who would just lie down, lie down like couch potatoes one by one, and calmly keep a safe distance from everything.

However, she can't be naked. One of her feet has long been stuck in the seam between the balance beam, and who is the patient with strabismus, staring at her.

Although in front of Naked Mom, a person who is approaching to love her unconditionally, Naked Son is still sincerely terrified, like a beast trapped in an iron cage for many years, tensing up and gnashing his teeth, while tears are embedded in assumptions The escape exit in the tone; I'm afraid, the next second, my mother's reaction will turn into a sharp knife and pierce her chest.

I'm so afraid, like who the mother grades her daughter.

"Do you hate them?" I asked.

"I don't hate it." The naked child's face is the line of communication between winter and spring.

In fact, there is no difference between hating and not hating, just like that round table that is full of dissatisfaction, has accepted the greasy spilled from the bowl of every guest over the years, unable to refuse, and unable to separate.

"But I pity my mother a little more and my father a little less."

"Remember, don't put the blame on your mother!" In the consultation room, the teacher held a butcher's knife that was rusted and eroded by hot tears across Naeko's cold and stiff hands.

She went on to say, like when tshut-suann came out of the mountain, the chanting group drove a van, and the Chaodu scriptures flowed out from the loudspeaker: "You really hope that your mother, who has always been close to you, will catch it. You, understand you, but she can't help it. The way she is used to is to use blame instead of care, and you can't make her understand how to support you, because you can't say it. But you must remember that in this family, mother is also a word A victim of violence, she has become accustomed to using patience to get through her emotions.”

Love is patient.

"What happened to you, Mom is not the perpetrator. She's not that hateful."

Mom, isn't that hateful?

"Hey, have you ever heard of eating three times in one place ?" Naked is thinking about how to explain her mother's love to me.

"Well, I heard it, and I saw it when I read " Where Are the Rivers and Lakes ". In a small village in Changhua County, * three children died because the landlord was 'eating the soil'." Eat the black soil Go down and rank in the right place, and you can turn it into money at almost zero cost. This is the black gold of the sand and gravel industry.

"Very good." Naked enjoyed my conversation because she said I was using my brain.

"Let's say, love is a currency in circulation, such as New Taiwan dollars; and violence is abused as collateral, such as farmland in one land, three eats in one land - dug up four floors of soil, and then backfilled four floors of toxic causes The waste is finally covered with a thin thirty centimeters of soil.”

"And you, are you the sue-bué-tō-jîn who is waiting to be hooked?"

"No, it's worse. I'm a perennial planted there." A gamble that won't pay off.

I forgot that the gymnosperm was originally a plant. Plants have no legs, so she can't escape. She can only find a way to use the available resources, grit her teeth, and survive.

"So, if my mom is a tenant farmer who rents rotten land, I can't call her hateful, can I?" I looked at the embers in her eyes, doused by the first spring rain.

Back at my residence, I stood on the " non-fictional " balance beam and pondered over the metaphor Nude mentioned to me this afternoon. Of course, it was mixed with complaints—complaining about the workplace personnel that made her even more out of place.

"If you substitute Abba into the formula of eating three meals in one place, should he be a landlord, a tenant farmer, or a crop planted on rotten ground?" I said to the dog lying at my feet.

In the yard, the pattering spring rain continued to fall.

Grandma said, "In spring, every time it rains, it gets hotter. The hot days ( jua̍h-thinn ) come and come."

how romantic.

However, when the uterus was removed by surgery, and the grandmother, who was violently entering menopause, was more prone to dryness and heat, she might have finished cooking a mid-day ( tiong-tàu ) meal, and with a towel draped over her shoulders, she would be able to squeeze out a bucket of salty food. water.


  1. The taboo of convenience comes from Lin Yihan's book "Fang Siqi's Paradise of First Love": "He found that society's sense of taboo on sex is too convenient, the whole world thinks it's her fault for raping a girl, even her I feel like it's my fault. The guilt will drive her back to him."
  2. The three boys are Wu Xinhua (10 years old, third grade of Zhenliao elementary school), Wu Liqiu (9 years old, second grade of Zhenliao elementary school), and Liu Yuyou (10 years old, third grade of Zhenliao elementary school). The three died in September 2006. 27th. The reporter wrote at the end of the report : "The Vietnamese mother rushed to the hospital later and saw that the two children were cold bodies. She was so sad that she cried bitterly. I wanted a child, but I didn’t take good care of it, and the child was gone.” The ex-husband replied, “Have you fulfilled your responsibilities as a mother!””

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