Hairy woman tells rain

It took an hour to write, which is very neat.

When I was a child, whenever there was a drought, the adults would ask my sister to fetch the rain. Taking rain is the exclusive skill of Maotou women, others can't. What is a hairy woman? It means little girl, hair girl. The standard should be called Praying for Rain.

Our hometown lost the ancestral hall a long time ago, and these things were carried out very casually. Each family did their own thing. Burning incense sticks at home, even if you pay homage. If the spirit is not working, I forgot, it was passed down from the ancestors, who knows.

But the ancestors used to ask for rain, but it was quite cruel. Human sacrifice is also a common method, either throwing people into water or exposing them to the sun. Those who suffer are mostly women. Whether in the East or the West, women are more often associated with "witches" and are persecuted for this.

Another way is shown in "White Deer Plains", that is, Bai Jiaxuan penetrates his cheeks with a red-hot iron to show his sincerity. It is a very serious ceremony, and you are not qualified if you are not respected. You say insane? It really started to rain later, pouring down heavy rain, everyone was very excited, thanked the sky, and ran to the yard to soak in the rain.

I asked my mother, do we also use this cruel method there? My mother said yes, I've seen it when I was a child, it's very strange, the drill penetrates the flesh, and it doesn't hurt, just grab a handful of grass ash and smear it, and it will be fine in a few days. I laughed and asked if you wore it, how do you know it doesn't hurt? That's not it, it's all about men. I was young at the time, but when I grow up, it's gone.

I remember when I was a child, after a long time, a heavy rain hit, and I don’t know whose hair-headed woman was responsible. The yard smells of dust, adults are busy cleaning up things to dry, and children like me are busy playing in the raindrops. The ancestors also said that people can't get wet in the rain, because they will get sick, so the adults are busy putting straw hats on the children's heads. The child's head is too small and the straw hat is too big. When the wind blows, the hat will fly around. After all the hustle and bustle, the things were collected, and the ground of the yard was wet. The whole family retreated into the cave, and my father went to the kang and slept in peace. My mother took a shoe sole and sat inside the threshold, taking the sole and watching the rain. Or in the kitchen, take a basket of peas and ask a child to sit on the threshold and peel it. Like Ah Mao, but without the wolf, it didn't take me away. Suddenly my mother remembered that there was still a jar of daylily hanging on the far side of the courtyard wall, so she quickly got up, put a straw hat on her head, crossed the threshold, and ran over with small steps. There are already small streams converging in the yard, step on it is muddy and slippery, you have to be very careful. It was too late for the rescue, and the daylily was drenched into soft, limp roots. Later, the large iron pot for lunch was covered, so they were arranged in order and dried for the second time.

Sometimes, the rain either stops or doesn't end, crops are trapped in the ground and cannot be harvested. The adults are so anxious that they are like ants on a hot pot, and they are also called Maotou girls, hurry up and tell the rain.

To tell the rain, is to use the waste oil and dab a little in the small puddles that have accumulated in the yard. Oil droplets will spread out in the water, blooming colorful flowers. When I was a child, I didn't know why, but now I'm curious, does it look like a rainbow, giving the ancestors inspiration? I don't know, and of course no one can give an answer.

You say insane? The rain quickly subsided, first with scattered raindrops, and then completely gone. Later, the sun came out and a rainbow hung in the sky.

But the ground is still wet, especially in the crop fields, stepping in it will bring out a foot of mud. You have to wait patiently, waiting for people to get in and the rack car to pull in. The wheat has poured out a large piece, and some have grown white buds. It has to be cut separately, ground separately, dried separately, and polished separately.

The surface of the sprouted wheat is not tough and will stick to the teeth when eaten.

In the years when there is a lot of wheat, we will invite the wheat guest from Shaanxi. They were dusty and dusty, with scythes tied to their waists, and after the baptism of cutting wheat all the way, they were dark and shiny, and they were usually taciturn. He was half-squatting in the wheat field, waving his sickle and moaning in the straw, and quickly left my father behind. Lunch is eaten in the wheat field, and the appetite is astonishingly large, and one can eat five buns.

Well, I can't recall the scene where the wheat was pulled into the field to be dried, crushed, raised, and then dried and stored in the hoard.


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