A solitary bird on a branch, flying over the rain

Anyway, I'm really obsessed with life. Because of this infatuation, all the people who are infatuated with are dragged around, and everyone is doing something wrong.

"After writing so many songs for others to sing, I always want to recycle my own resources. Let's sing a very guava song, shall we?"

When Deng Jiachen sent me messages, he usually just stated with a blank face, whether You've Got Mail should be translated into "Electronic Love Letter" or "Letter With You". He didn't go on talking anymore, it was completely impossible to guess, and he didn't want to guess at all.

When I listened to Wu Bai's "Girl's Heart", I finally understood: what I actually listened to was Deng Jiachen's heart.

"Hokkien is really a lot of guava songs. In fact, Wu Bai is also very guava." So he gave me a copy of Wu Bai & China Blue's "Lonely Bird on a Branch", and the Hokkien psychedelic rock Wu Bai's "Girl's Heart" is his favorite one. head:

How to get lost in love is yesterday's debauchery

A girl's heart is a passionate flower

It's not like rain to drenched in frost to reduce a lover to tease

Deng Jiachen sometimes turns into Wu Bai, a man who often says weird things. With me, some of Wu Bai's words are usually endorsed by him, and in the end I can't tell who said it.

Just begging, he said. At this time, if there is background music, it should be "World No. 1". Across the network cable, for the first time I heard Deng Jiachen, a young girl's heart. I don't know how ruthless it is, after all, it doesn't matter who said it.

"When will the train go from Pingtan, Fujian to Taipei, let's take Luo Dayou's "Train" as a tune that is played on a loop in the carriage."

This man started to say weird things again, my heart skipped a beat, I didn't dare to guess what he meant, or it was not interesting at all. It's just that I heard this song while riding a bike one day and felt very lonely, so I ripped off my headphones. It turned out to be really listening on the train.

When I revisited "Lonely Bird on a Branch", Deng Jiachen had already flown to the rainy shop, sent a message to report, and was thinking about building a 25-square-meter bungalow as a listening room in the future.

I don't know this person very well, and I even suspect that I have spelled his name wrong, and I have no idea what his name is. If we don't have a mutual friend, even if he doesn't exist, I'm afraid there is nothing I don't want to believe.

In all, he has been a civil servant for two or three years. Now that he has left Kunming, he does not know if he has passed the exam, or he just gave up. That is also a good thing. I don't have any friends who took the civil service exam, and Deng Jiachen is the only one. The reason is that he is really weird, and he doesn't feel like a person who can pass the test in his entire life. I just don't know who he is competing with and what kind of strength he is competing against. But because he took the civil service exam, I did not miss many civil servant jokes.

He moved to Mengzi, and the shock to me this morning was a bowl of Golden Soup and Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles. The bowl was covered with golden chrysanthemum petals. I originally ridiculed him, "Begging for food will lead to the first day", which is a Mongolian proverb: as long as you live, you will have a golden bowl to drink water one day. Unexpectedly, he is really a golden bowl to drink golden soup now, and the "first day" has come so quickly.

Mengzi is a place I am very familiar with. Hearing Deng Jiachen say that the rain passed over the shop, I just remembered that in our dialect it is like "Huguo shop", where there will be a lot of fruit when it rains, it is full of a child's naive imagination. So much so that I never knew its real name, but it is so beautiful, it is "Rain Over", which is blue over the rain. It can also be imagined that the rain passed by here. This is indeed a good place for solitary birds to survive.

He said that on weekends, he and his friends would get a small broken car, go to Datunhai for barbecue and play badminton. So I couldn't help but search for this non-existent "sea" in my memory. It was actually just a lake, "formed from the surface water in the faulted basin that converged to the depression", just between Datun and Yuguopu. .

"It was too boring, so I bought a plane ticket and flew to Chengdu for a stroll. When the working day arrived, I flew back to Mengzi, and landed in Changqiaohai and Datunhai." It's really a bird's life, flying around and flying. But about Changqiaohai, I don't remember it at all. After searching, I found out that its Yi name is "Yi Po Hei", which means "the sea with springs at the bottom of the lake".

From this point of view, it is not surprising that Changqiaohai is called "the sea", but it is very wonderful. In addition, I also gained a little more geographical knowledge: Changqiao Sea and Datun Sea are adjacent to the Tropic of Cancer. I don't know if this line is particularly suitable for life.

I saw Ma Yan this morning, she said, I am really obsessed with life. Because of this infatuation, all the people who are infatuated with are dragged around, and everyone is doing something wrong. The first thing I think about is myself, who I am. Because I am obsessed with life, I draw all the people I am obsessed with together. In the name of hot pot, in the name of drinking, everyone acts nonsense together, and I wish my whole life would pass like this.

But when I clicked on the address sent by Deng Jiachen, I was fascinated: in this version of the story, he is the one who is very obsessed with life, "because of this infatuation, all the people who are infatuated with are dragged around." I had a mind for everything he said, and I was the one who was drawn over by him.

In this circle, whether active or passive, people must first have some obsession with life before they can easily follow the devil's way. I am willing to take the second place and be the passive one because I know that that person is more lively and lonelier than me.

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