Fire in the body

The river is depleted, the riverbed is exposed, crops are damaged, water shortages, power cuts in major cities, high temperature warnings are everywhere, red, yellow, and orange, overlapping on the retina, quickly burning across the north and south of the river.
Tess Dumon

In the news, the mountain fire has been burning for several days. The cause of the fire is the spontaneous combustion of dry litter and leaves, and the excessive load of a company's power line. Spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion, sounds like a grand death in the summer. All plants cannot escape the fate of being destroyed by wildfires, but they have been accustomed to this for thousands of years, and can quickly germinate and grow back from their roots.

It can be imagined that after a few days, the place that had been burned by the fire could no longer restrain the vitality of the budding, so there is "wildfire that can't be burnt out, and the spring breeze blows again." The "wildfire" here refers to mountain fires. I have seen a wild vegetable in Tengchong called water celery, which grows by the water and where the fire has burned, the plants will be more vigorous.

But for the animals in the mountains and forests, their lives have changed more or less, and some animals are even in a dangerous situation because of this.

This continuously spreading wildfire is very close to the Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve. Some reports mentioned that there are 246 families, 992 genera and 1966 species of plants in the Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve, among which the national-level protected rare plants Dove tree, silver fir, red bean There are 51 species of Chinese fir, cypress, etc.; there are 1071 species of animals, including 13 species of national-level protected rare animals, such as grass owl, golden pheasant, and eagle owl.

"Rare" doesn't mean grading, but the tendency of these species to be rare in numbers, or even endangered. According to the news, the wildfire is still being put out and has not yet spread to Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve. But it is conceivable that once the fire spreads, these creatures will be destroyed, which is a possible disaster.

I saw burnt snakes, birds, and maybe other animals in some of the reported photos; community residents were prepared to evacuate, and people in their fifties were enlisted to volunteer to fight the fires...even so , one can still say that the fire did not cause any damage. I just felt an unprecedented fear, like a sign of unwillingness to fall. Because fear is abstract, it cannot be measured, and it cannot be blamed.

The river is depleted, the riverbed is exposed, crops are damaged, water is scarce, electricity is cut off in major cities, and there are terrifying high temperature warnings everywhere, red, yellow, and orange.

Some people died quietly, "heat stroke", many people may be like me, this is the first time I heard this name. With the experience of wildfires, it is conceivable that there is a similar line in the death report: "Spontaneous combustion of dry litter at high temperature". This is the cause of death, and summer is the season of death.

Every day I sit in the living room and feel like my body is on fire countless times, but it is far from the level of "spontaneous combustion". So I stared at 38 degrees on the weather forecast every day, trying to send it away little by little. I couldn’t get it a day, so I waited for a week, three or two weeks. Did the temperature drop? Wait, wait, maybe The day after tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe until autumn.

But the damn calendar shows that the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and the days are still getting hotter day by day. Plants can't do anything, crops can't do it, animals can't do it, and humans can't do it either.

When did the world change, or has it always been? For the earth with a long life, a summer, a year or two of high temperature, maybe just a sneeze, a cold and a fever, and then it can quickly return to calm, but for humans and all species with short lives come Say, this is a terrible, indelible disaster in our life. It took some lives and caused immeasurable pain.

But human beings may also bear some responsibility for this. Throughout the summer, we turned on the air conditioner like a competition with the earth's temperature, and the sound of the air conditioner was louder than thousands of bees flapping their wings. On 24 hours a day, the sound burrowed into the ear, implanted in the heart, and formed a regular vibrato until it was completely ignored. There's nothing more natural here than this guy.

So no matter how the temperature outside rises, people stay in their own houses, relying on this square box to maintain the indoor temperature at 26 degrees, or greedy for more, continue to chase cooler temperatures. On the other side, he watched the reports from the Arctic, the temperature rose to 32.5 degrees, the polar bears stepped on the ice floes, and there was a vast ocean around.

In 1869, botanist John Muir walked through the mountains in summer and realized that the damage to the mountain grasslands caused by natural grazing was irreversible. , the vegetation becomes dry and decayed. But he was still in time, and his contemporaries were still in time, and extreme weather was not as frequent as it is today in the 21st century.

Today may be too late, but we can still choose to stop now. I don't know exactly what this is referring to, but maybe everyone has specific choices, like the students at the École Polytechnique in Paris who choose to flee their majors, thinking that by choosing these jobs, they are choosing to hurt the planet.

It's time to let go, I don't want to live this life of racing the earth with the air conditioner on. And in order to run the air conditioner 24 hours a day, all summer, I need to make a salary, day in and day out, and then go down at forty. Or they have to rely on the monopoly of polluting industries, be trapped in the policy of changing from day to day, and life is suddenly interrupted, and there is nothing to do.


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