Mr. Gu's Autumn (1)

Stumbled upon @Horo's community activity, interesting proposal.
Mr. Gu will generally write three articles in the series as articles to participate in activities.
So, the text is as follows-

On an autumn day, an autumn leaf fluttered in the air and landed on Mr. Gu's toes.

Mr. Gu squatted down, held the leaf root of Qiuye, and held it in front of his eyes. He looked at the red leaf and frowned tightly; his expression was as sharp and serious as if he had seen prey.

But that's it, the sight that was so sharp that it seemed to be able to kill people, but converged in the next moment. He gently put the autumn leaves in his hand into his pocket, and stood up slowly; his face seemed to be smiling, and the corners of his mouth rose a few times.

"This is really a beautiful autumn leaf." Mr. Gu thought so in his heart.

That is indeed a nice autumn leaf. The crimson that is as bright as amber, from the root to the tip of the leaf, is extraordinarily splendid; it is precisely this that is different from other autumn leaves. It was "red", with no traces of yellow or green left on its body. On such an ordinary autumn tree, this is probably the most beautiful red leaf it has ever produced.

For Mr. Gu, this is the best gift he has received today.

It was a pleasant surprise for Mr. Gu to grow such an autumn tree that no one cared about in the gap between the tall buildings in the city and the evergreen trees. But even so, in the jungle of imperfect yellow leaves, such a pure red leaf was born, and it just happened to fly to his toes. For Mr. Gu, this is a gift from surprise.

Having received such a great gift, Mr. Gu's face showed an unstoppable smile. Clutching the pocket where Akiba was, he was like a child, and he walked quickly around the courtyard for no purpose. At this time, he remembered the business, and hurried back to the coffee shop through the back door.

On the reserved seat, Mr. Gu saw a man with a delicate posture. The man's two fingers held the coffee ladle and slowly turned it back and forth.

"I went to the bathroom for so long..." The man muttered in a small mouth. At this time, he supervised Mr. Gu who was beside him. He immediately withdrew his gaze, did not look at Mr. Gu's face, just stared at the coffee in his hand.

"Sorry, I'm late." Mr. Gu returned to his seat. Covering the corner of his smiling mouth with one hand, he tugged at the collar of his formal suit with the other.

"It's okay, I didn't wait long." The man still didn't look at Mr. Gu.

"We have read your manuscript. Unfortunately, your manuscript still does not fit the purpose of this journal..."

"Oh? Really? That's really a pity." Perhaps because the corners of his mouth were still smiling, there seemed to be no regret in Mr. Gu's tone. Rather, the tone of these words is outrageous.

The man glanced at Mr. Gu with dissatisfaction. He put down his coffee cup and said:

"With all due respect, Mr. Gu. Your writing is the best among the people I have met. But why are you always obsessed with negative subjects? You know, no one likes it. Those negative, negative energy works. Positive ones that promote positive energy, those are the mainstream of society. If you can change your writing theme, then we must…”

"Okay, it's enough for the topic to progress here." Mr. Gu stood up, and the corner of his mouth was still smiling;

"I'll still try it later, Mr. Editor. So, if there are any other writing activities in the magazine, please let me know as soon as possible, thank you."

"Ah, definitely, definitely." The man was obviously disturbed by Mr. Gu's sudden farewell: "I'll pay for the coffee..."

"No, AA." Mr. Gu said cheerfully. After all, he hurried to the counter and took out three banknotes and six coins from his shy wallet. Then, he smiled and hurried away.

Seeing that Mr. Gu really pushed the door and left the coffee shop, the man breathed a sigh of relief. Sitting comfortably on his seat, the liquid in the cup began to turbidly stir again——

"嘁;" the tip of his nose made a disdainful voice;

"Irregular country folks."

After that, the man raised the coffee cup in his hand and drank the dark liquid in one gulp.

"Tsk... it's so painful."

Closed doors and windows can block all sound from passing through. But that also shuts off hope for new things.

Mr. Gu has not been so happy for a long time.

He walked briskly to a bookstore; stopped in front of a portrait.

Ziwei on the portrait seemed to be smiling slightly. In Mr. Gu's eyes, Ziwei was laughing wildly.

Mr. Gu was also smiling, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. Under this grief, his footsteps hesitated for a long time in front of this portrait.

After thinking about it again and again, he finally walked into the bookstore. Ziwei's book is not expensive, even a lot cheaper than that cup of coffee. It's just that Mr. Gu's purse is still so poor. So that after paying for the book, there are only two days of food left in the purse.

Looking for a shady spot on the street, Mr. Gu sat down with his legs crossed. Spreading out the book in his hand, a big word came into Mr. Gu's eyes——

"Knowledge is priceless!"
 "Nonsense, obviously cheaper than a cup of coffee."

Mr. Gu blurted out, as if telling a joke, and laughed for a while. When the smile stopped, he continued to look down.

This book has a total of 97 pages. Mr. Gu's reading is very slow, and when he reads certain places, he always stops to laugh a few times or use a pen to mark a few points, and the reading of this book is even slower. When he reached page 30, people on the street pushed him a few times. Mr. Gu raised his head, only to realize that it was already night.

He stood up and walked down the desolate street. As he walked, he flipped through the annotations he had written earlier:

"Our education is undoubtedly great. Its existence has allowed countless families to achieve a class jump through the college entrance examination, thereby changing their own destiny. It is this system that makes countless people who want to achieve a class jump artificially seek Isn't this competition a testament to the strength of our culture?"
 "Yeah, everyone who aspires to a class jump is competing for the opportunity to study. So, where are the people who truly respect learning?"
"Those who choose to self-mutilate on the way to school are sad, but they are not worthy of sympathy. The world is so beautiful, but they choose to leave a mark on themselves. Isn't this ignorance? Not worthy of sympathy."
 "Yeah, the world is so beautiful, but why can't they see it?"
"Admit it! Most of us will never have anything to do with "politics" in the narrow sense in our lives. But all of us have to face the relationship with the opposite sex, with our family, and especially with ourselves. The pursuit of ism, All you bring to you is nothingness; the life under your feet is everything we have."
 "Yeah, but why do people pursue illusoryism? Ideals are like a light that hangs in the sky and cannot be touched. There will always be people who will pursue the light of the sky, but is this stupid?"
"Be it faith or doctrine, people don't care. No one cares about the dead bones that die in victory. People only look forward to those who have long been known as winners. Faith is just a deceiving slogan, the real victory. have never had any faith.
Before the tide came, they enjoyed wine before the lighthouse feast. After the wave came, they shouted in support of the wave to overthrow the lighthouse. No matter the weather changes, their presence will stand, and this is the winner. And that's our goal. "

Mr. Gu's handwriting stopped here for a while. And behind the two words, left a mark that cut the page——

 "And what about the truth?"

After reading this, Mr. Gu closed the book; for some reason, he felt a little satisfied.

However, the cold wind is still blowing; the street is still full of colorful lights. The passers-by passed Mr. Gu without paying any attention to the smile on the man's face.

Mr. Gu's eyes hurt a little, but he was still smiling. It's just that there seems to be a little more tiredness in this smile.

In order to avoid the cold wind, Mr. Gu came to a narrow alley. Compared to the outside, it is still warm here. Mr. Gu found a fairly clean stone, spread it on the ground, and sat on it.

Mr. Gu is a little tired.

The autumn wind around him was getting colder and colder, and Mr. Gu knew that this was a harbinger of winter. So he raised his head, but he could not see a single star in the endless sky.

In a trance, he heard a familiar voice——

"Look at his miserable appearance! It proves that I am not wrong; I am right!"

How proud and arrogant this voice is, yet so deeply rooted in people's hearts.

 "No, you were wrong..."

Mr. Gu smiled and shook his deeply drooping head.

Bloodshot eyes stared at the dark starless night sky.

Looking at it in silence, he finally never said the second half of his rebuttal.


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