How to steal the twitter lists of the great gods?

Obviously stealing things, but very confident

Undoubtedly, it is easiest to understand the latest developments of the blockchain by watching English content, and Twitter has the most content, but how can you know and get those content? In fact, the great god @高建建 has its own List, which stores all the important accounts of the Cosmos Hub blockchain. We only need to follow to know the latest information.

To play Twitter, first apply for a Twitter account. Since there are many teaching courses on the market, it is not difficult to apply for it, so this is not redundant.

Convert Twitter interface to Chinese

If you install the Twitter app on your phone and your phone interface is Chinese, Twitter will automatically display the Chinese interface. However, if you use the desktop version, you need to convert to the Chinese interface. you can:

1. Tap "More" on the left hand side.

2. Select "Settings and Privacy".

3. Select "Account Information", you may be asked to enter your password.

4. Select "Languages" again, change the Display language to "Traditional Chinese", and you can see that the interface is changed to Chinese.

Ways to Follow the Twitter List

1. Go to Dashen's Twitter account and see three dots.

2. Click in and click "View List",

3. Two lists appear: Cosmos and hk. Click into Cosmos, you will see "Following", click it and it will become "Following".

4. Click the "List" on the left hand side to see all the following lists. Click the icon of the pin to pin the list.

5. Switch the pinned list anytime on the Twitter app to view the content.

Stealing God's Twitter List

Why do you want to do this? The reasons are as follows:

  • The public list allows people to see the followers. If you don’t want others to see that you are following the Great God, you have to steal his list for your own use.
  • Although it is a list of great gods, there may be some content that you want to watch missing, so you have to steal his list and add what you want to watch.

1. First generate a list of your own. Click "List", then click the "New List" icon.

2. Enter the list name and description. Assuming you don't want this list to be seen by others, click "Make Private", and then click "Next" in the upper right corner.

3. If you need to add an account to the list, you can add it randomly. Anyway, you can delete it later. After you finish, you can click "Done" in the upper right corner of the post.

4. Your list has been generated. Note that there are a bunch of numbers on it, which will be used later.

5. Go to the Twitter List copy website and click "Sign in with Twitter".

6. Click "Authorize Application" under "Do you want to authorize List Copy to access your account?".

7. This screen appears. Enter ckxpress in "User who owns the list you want to copy" and click "Get lists", the names of two lists will appear in "The list you want to copy". It may be that the relationship between the new name cannot be recognized when the list is renamed. We choose blockchain, which is equivalent to the list of Cosmos. Then select the list of numbers just now, and click "Copy!".

8. When finished, you will see "Added XX people to the list just now".

9. Go to the list on the left, click the list just now, and you will see that you have successfully stolen those lists to become your own list.

10. For account security, after stealing the list, click "More", then "Security and Account Access", then "Applications and Work Sessions", then "Connected Applications". Select List Copy, then "Revoke App Permissions".

To be honest, after adding those lists, I didn't really look at those "alien"-like things, but I will try to read and learn when I have time (more time watching Netflix). However, this "stealing list" method can also be learned and used, and it can be used to learn other things. And since the great gods have not made the list private, it is not immoral, come, learn, and steal!


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