"The Magic of Tidying Up Your Life": Starting from the heart, a truly effective organizing technique!


The year of the Taurus is approaching, and it's time for a new clean-up. When I was about to start tidying up the rental house, I suddenly remembered this book "The Magic of Tidying Up Your Life", and thought it might be time to revisit this little book that inspired me a lot. The author of this book, Marie, has been studying the art of tidying since she was five years old, and realized a set of methods that claim that once she is tidy, it will never be messed up again . As her career gets bigger and bigger, she has not only become a well-known organization consultant, but also has been running courses with constant reservations, and even released an exclusive Netflix series.


What kind of magical finishing technique can make her become a world-renowned master of finishing? And what sort of tidying can boldly claim to be life-changing magic? The answers are all in this book.

[Organization depends on the spirit]

When most people mention sorting, they may think of various precise storage techniques, especially the kind of transformation king style that Little Japan specializes in, which uses limited space to the extreme abnormal aesthetics. But Marie doesn't follow this, she believes that 90% of the sorting is actually based on " spirit " .

Mari Hui's tidying technique is not simply to teach the skills of storing things, but emphasizes the need to start from the heart and teach you to become a "person who can organize. " It sounds abstract, but it's actually quite simple. Start by asking yourself a question: "What do you want to live around?" Keep this question in your mind, and you'll use it later.

The room doesn't get messed up naturally, it's the one who lives in it that messes it up. - "The Magic of Tidying Up Your Life"
What would you like to live around? (Photo by Haley Powers on Unsplash)

【4 points of finishing】

Tidying up seems like everyone can do it, but it's hard to do well. It is often hard to organize a little decently, but it will quickly return to its original shape if it is not careful. Here, I have sorted out the 4 finishing points mentioned in the book:

[1. To finish in one go, do not order little by little]

Some people think that if you clean up in one go, it will be messed up again, and it is better to clean up little by little, but Marie doesn't think so. She mentioned that there are two types of organization: daily organization and festival organization . Daily sorting refers to putting things back in place after they are used up, and festival sorting is the so-called big sorting in one breath.

She advocates a dramatic change in emotion by finishing in one breath. As long as you have completed a festive arrangement and experienced the beautiful state of finishing, you will not want to return to the messy state before. In other words, through such an impact, the awareness of ordering is generated, and the habit of ordering can be maintained.

No matter who, as long as they experience this process, they will not let the room return to the messy state from the heart. - "The Magic of Tidying Up Your Life"

〔2. Sorting starts from throwing things, and then comes storage〕

Marie mentioned that she also fell into a storage mania when she was a child, and bought a bunch of storage products, only to find that even with a lot of magazine racks, storage boxes, and drawer storage dividers of various sizes, the room was still untidy. The downside of the storage method is that when you put things away, you mistakenly think that the problem is solved.

So don't you need to organize it? No, it’s just that sorting can’t start with storage. Proper organization must start with throwing things away. Marie emphasized that you must first throw away things before you can start storing them. This is not upside down!

The better a person is at storage, the easier it is to stack things. - "The Magic of Tidying Up Your Life"

[3. Sort by items, not by site items]

Another common problem is that many people organize by venue. For example, clean up the bathroom today, and clean up the study tomorrow. But Marie believes that the same kind of things are often scattered in more than two storage places. In fact, it is easy to organize the same things without knowing it. Therefore, sorting is to be sorted by item by item . For example, sorting clothes today and sorting books tomorrow is the correct way to organize.

[4. Sorting is sorting, there is no such thing as adjusting according to personality]

When Marie started working as an organization consultant, she would think of ways to provide different organization methods according to different types of customers, but later found that such classification was meaningless at all. She found that there are only three types of people who can't organize: "people who can't drop things ", " people who can't put things back in place ", and a combination of the two, " people who can't lose things and can't put things back in place. ".

Therefore, no matter which type, there are only two key points mentioned above to learn to organize: throwing things and deciding where to store them. As long as you master the principle of first throwing and then storing, you don't have to worry about which sorting mode is right for you.

Can only store and can't really learn to organize (Photo by Jeff Sheldon on Unsplash)

[The first step of finishing: throw away]

[Thinking before throwing it away]

So how do you lose something? Don't worry, Marie believes that before throwing things away, you need to think about what you want to get out of tidying up, and it is best to imagine "what it would be like to live in a tidy room ". Take a client in the book who wants to live a more "girly life" as an example:

The floor is clean and the room is neat like a hotel.
After bathing, apply essential oils.
Do yoga while drinking herbal tea.
Fall asleep in a relaxed and comfortable mood.

The receiver, Marie asked her to think further, why do you want to live such a life? Why do you want to drink flower morning tea and why do you do yoga? Find the life you truly desire by asking these questions deeply and forcefully.

This brings us back to the previous question: "What do you want to live around?" In other words, you should allow yourself to live in a space surrounded only by things you love. Get this sorted and you can start dropping things.

Whether it is throwing things for others or owning things, the ultimate goal is to be happy. - "The Magic of Tidying Up Your Life"

[starts to lose]

Losing things is difficult for many people. I've heard people say, "I know I have to break up, but it's hard to do!" Breaking up is true, but such a statement may make people focus on what they want to throw away. In fact, the real concern should be: what to leave behind . In other words, sorting is about choosing what to keep, not what to throw away!

So how do you decide if something should stay? Marihui mentioned an important term throughout the book: heartbeat . To put it simply, the criterion for whether or not an item should be left is: does it strike when touched? Just hold the item in your hand and your heart will tell you the answer.

Tidying is "talking to yourself through objects". - "The Magic of Tidying Up Your Life"

Did you mention that you need to sort things out? , so after gathering all the same kind of things, you can judge whether the things go or stay in one breath. Please dispose of items according to the following collections: clothes→books→archives→small things→souvenirs .

What to have like this one by one. Marie mentioned that in addition to the value of the item itself, there are four factors including function, information, emotion and rarity , which determine the difficulty of throwing things away. In other words, when something is still useful (function), useful (information), feels (feeling), or is hard to obtain (rarity), it is hard to let go.

So it will be easier to start with clothes. If you start with souvenirs, it is very likely that you will organize all day and not throw away anything, because souvenirs have more emotional ties and rarity.

[Thinking about not letting go]

Sometimes there are times when you are unmoved, but you can't let go. Marie recommends asking yourself in this situation: Why do I have such a thing? What does it mean when it comes to me?

For example, it might be a piece of clothing that you thought was cute when you saw it in the store, but didn't really fit when you got home. At this point, you can say to it, "Thank you for making my heart feel the moment I bought you." "Thank you for telling me that you are not with any clothes." Say thank you to the thing you can't put away, thank it Complete the task that belongs to it, and then throw it away will become much easier.

To really learn to organize is to be able to throw things away (Photo by Barthelemy de Mazenod on Unsplash)

[Organizing the second step: storage]

After throwing things away, go to the storage unit. Here Marie can say that everything from clothes, books, files to photos, souvenirs, etc., is hand-in-hand telling you how to organize these items. In this part, I suggest that you still have to read the book yourself, and it is better to follow it step by step. Here are two big ideas to share with you.

[The same kind of things are collected together]

Marie believes that storage can be divided into two categories: by owner and by item . Therefore, the same kind of things should be stored in the same place. If you live with your family, you must clearly divide the storage space of each family member, and use one area as much as possible.

Anyone absolutely needs a holy place just for themselves. - "The Magic of Tidying Up Your Life"

[Upright storage is king]

Marihui emphasized that things should be as upright as possible, that is, do not let things be piled up. Whether it is clothes, stationery, books, try to stand them up as much as possible. Because stacking can use space endlessly, you have the urge to keep stacking, and only standing upright can make you realize that things can't be added any more.

Things only get stacked up (Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash)

[Postscript: finishing is starting from the heart]

In fact, I bought this book because someone in the Line group recommended it. At first, I thought it was a book that taught you how to tidy things, but after reading it, I realized that it was a big mistake. The real point of sorting is to go back to your heart, understand what you really need, and break up with unimportant things in order to build your ideal life.

There are only two reasons for not being able to throw things, that is, attachment to the past and anxiety about the future. - "The Magic of Tidying Up Your Life"

According to the method in the book, I reorganized the rental house. Although there are still some small clocks in these years, in general, they have maintained an acceptable appearance. Probably in addition to books, there is no space in the end and can only be used for heaps...

For me, this book is not only inspiring for organizing things, but also very helpful for my own time management. When I first started learning time management, I always thought about how to list goals, optimize schedules, and do as much as possible within a unit time. But reading this book made me realize that real time management is about being able to spend time on the things you love. Figure out what you want first, and then schedule actions.

This book is only more than 200 pages. It is not a very blunt reference book at all, but a little like the author's small autobiography. Listening to Mari Kei narrates her mental journey of sorting out. From this, you can feel Marie's love for organizing, and I believe it is also because of this that she can play the skills of organizing to the top. Very sincere work, well done. May everyone live the life they want!

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