Opportunity to yearn for minimalism (below)

呆比 Debby
My bed is emptied! The room looks clean and bright, everything has its own home, no need to move it around, do I remember the gift afterward? Not at all, I think if there is no shopaholic During the process, I will not have the heart to love and cherish things now.

Opportunity to yearn for minimalism (Part 1)

Of course, it can be assumed that I will move out and live in the future, so that there are two places to store things, or to make money to buy a big house! But after the lessons of those three boxes, I realized that I don’t need so many materials, and I will never again Don't want to spend energy on useless things, there is only one way at this time: break up.

I heard about Duansheli a long time ago, but I was a bit escaping at the time! Why should I buy it? It was all bought with money and time, but now the mentality has changed, except that it is very troublesome to maintain and clean, and it has not been used. It is even worse. Waste, the terrifying algorithm seems to know what I'm thinking, and recommended me the video of "The Last Sheep". My mental journey is similar to mine... I developed impulse shopping in college, and when I moved, I realized my waste and decided to change it. It can be said that Take me into the minimalist mentor.

At first, I sold it online, at a price close to the original, which is a treasure in my mother's eyes! Brand new with a tag! I only wore it once or twice! It is preserved like new! Mom filter, if you can buy new products from a reputable manufacturer at the same price, why should you buy second-hand from a stranger? After the price was reduced to half price or lower, a buyer finally asked, the shoulder width of the clothes? Waist? The question of etc. followed, and then it was returned, and I began to feel that it was not worth spending time on items that were less than a thousand yuan, sold one or two and then stopped.

I still don’t give up and switch to the exchange club, at least not as a free gift to others. After changing a few things, I feel that it is super inappropriate. Shouldn’t I cut it off? Exchanging things will not reduce the sundries! My mood is complicated. Opened Taiwan Give - the most well-known Facebook gift club at present, took photos of each item and uploaded it, and immediately left dozens of messages saying yes, and emptied my three boxes at the speed of a roller coaster.

I thought I'd be reluctant and unhappy, okay! It's not a good feeling to see my money being given away for free, but other than that I feel relieved and relieved, and my bed is emptied! The room looks It’s clean and bright, everything has its own home, and I don’t have to move it around anymore. Do I remember what I donated? Not at all. I don’t think if I didn’t have the process of being a shopaholic, I wouldn’t have the love I have now. The heart of cherishing things.

Saying goodbye to your past self is also an important topic of renunciation.

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