"Magic Voice" Track03 #179 Wish Come True

Aliu stood still between two sets of jazz drums. Through the connection of inspiration, in this position, he could feel the emotion of Ling Ying and Zhao Fei at the same time and in the most comprehensive way. The world is riddled with holes. However, I will not give up looking for the beauty in it. Not give up. Chopard never gave up until he took his last breath. Because, I believe, whether it is the world or my own situation, all can be changed...Even though, maybe it will always fail in the end...why? Can they embrace such a belief? A few days ago, A Liushang tried to understand... Now, he doesn't know if he already understands...
Ling Ying|Illustrator: KC.5 (Tommy Ng)

"You cry so hard." Ji Yao said next to her, but two lines of tears also slid down her face.

"You know why." Aliu's voice was trembling...

A dreary story, a beautiful and moving city, a lost city, as far as the fateful will, the man who confuses people's life has left office again and again

Chengyin's singing sounded.

The remaining five members of the orchestra put down their instruments and walked to Chengyin's side.

and sing.

The audience, chorus...

No stage.

Aliu stood still between two sets of jazz drums.

Through the connection of inspiration, in this position, he could feel the emotion of Ling Ying and Zhao Fei at the same time and in the most comprehensive way.

The world is riddled with holes. However, I will not give up looking for the beauty in it.

Not give up.

Chopard never gave up until he took his last breath.

Because, I believe, whether it is the world or my own situation, all can be changed...

Even if it may fail in the end...

Why? Can they embrace such a belief?

A few days ago, A Liushang tried to find out. Now, he doesn't know if he already understands.

"You are here." Cheng Yin's voice was a little tired, but more joyful.

Not the joy of the show's success. Ariel knows.

Chengyin pulled Ah Liu and turned around in the center of the stage.

"This is Bangzao and my paradise." She pointed to the harpsichord, looking excited. "Bangzao will always just hide there, and let me walk around by myself."

Ali listens. The heart seems to be torn to pieces.

"Ten years ago, our first concert was also here." Cheng Yin held the microphone on the high shelf, and remembered. "In that scene, the first and last song was also the "Seasonal Birds" he wrote to me."

"I like that song very much." Aliu nodded from the bottom of his heart.

"Counting it, it's only been two months since you appeared, but I always feel that I've known you for a long time. You promised me to see Bangzao again..."

Ah Liu looked at the hands that Cheng Yin was pressing on his stomach, silent.

"Xiaoying told me that you are trustworthy. It's not because you speak convincingly." Chengyin put her hands behind her back and paced the stage with a light smile. "On the contrary, your words are not convincing at all. Even, there is no organization. You always say what you think of."

Ah Chu smiled. In Ling Ying's eyes, he turned out to be so bad.

"However, because of this, you can be trusted." Cheng Yin returned to Aliu, looked at the jazz drum set on the left, and then looked at the set on the right. "They're all important to you. Right?"

Aliu turned back desperately.

"For me, too." Cheng Yin's tone was full of reluctance. "Unfortunately, without Bangzao, if I want to live, I can't stay any longer."

Ah Liu could feel that Cheng Yin's heart was bleeding every time he said a word.

In the past week, videos on YouTube have been clicked countless times. After reading the number of browsing, the next secret change was added. Under pressure from all parties, YouTube deleted the video and turned around to find it on a similar website.

Watching a video of a real murder seems to be really entertaining for the uninitiated. This world, even if there is no magic power, seems to be this perverted already.

The video uploaded on the Internet, it is true that Chopard made a justice and let the police start the investigation again. However, the film also forces Chengyin to keep recalling the tragic death of her beloved...

If she hadn't finished this concert anyway, she might have already lost control again...


"Fool." Chengyin imitated Ling Qin's movements and patted Aliu on the head. "As long as you don't break your promise, let me see Bangzao again..."

"Whatever he looks like?"

Cheng Yin nodded.

"Whether you see him, can you still remember him?"

Cheng Yin nodded again.

"Whether he knows you or not?"

"I only hope that after they are born, they will have the opportunity to meet Bangzao." Chengyin stroked her belly.

Ah Liu approached Cheng Yin and tightened his open hands.

Hug, and the thousand words he had to say were imprinted in her memory, word for word.

Even though he already knew that Chengyin would not be able to remember anything.

With a gratified smile, Chengyin felt Ah Liu's heart.

"I'm sorry! I want you to carry this."

"This is what I wanted to do in the first place. You may not remember it, but I really want to tell you that the people you value as much as I do are all alive because of you!"

"When I go there, do I have to be busy with work?"

"No way, there is only one magic sound."

"I can see Bangzao again, I accept my fate."

"Thank you!"

Thank you...Aliu's eyes became transparent. Chengyin, Shen Yincheng's body, slowly lost its texture, slowly...


In Aliu's arms, only air remained.

To be continued

Continue reading "Magic Sound"

MagicVoice Saga

Track 01 " Can't Tell You This Pledge "
Track 02 " Hearing the Silent Confession "
Track 03 " Memories Rest "
Different " Magic Sound "


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韋浩川韋浩川 StanMiracle。 小說人、自由寫作人、電影編劇。 無可救藥的雙魚座。 出版過廿來部小說。 電影《廉政風雲-煙幕》(2019)編劇。 相信「不被祝福,始終走到最後」! 盼能一直以文字奏樂!
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