Seven-Day Book #3 Open for registration|Complete your life diary with you: Writing "Love and Intimacy"

Registration for the third phase of the "Seven Days of Free Writing" has begun. The number of applicants for the previous two phases was 122 and 139 respectively. The response was overwhelming. The theme this time is "Love and Intimacy" and the seven-day writing activity will start from now on. Registration is open until June 30, and seven days of writing will begin on July 1.

Do you have inner feelings you want to express?
Want a moment every day to write?
But how long have you been unable to continue writing?

After working in the camp every day, when I get home, I can finally turn on my computer and write down something for myself, but I can’t start typing on the keyboard?
If you have a mindset and believe that writing down whatever comes to your mind is precious; if there is a supportive community that continues to write, would it be better?

Free-writing "Seven Days" received an enthusiastic response, with 122 people signing up for the first phase, with the theme "Space" ; 139 people signing up for the second phase, with the theme "Home and Hometown" . The last phase completed a grand slam of essays as scheduled. There are 72 friends in total. You can click here to read a list of all articles. The follow-up to the last "Seven Days Book" was a workshop. The speaker was Manini , the multiple-award-winning author of the new book "Hometown is Useless" . She sincerely shared her writing experience for nearly two and a half hours, and also commented on the works of the participants. , the audience benefited a lot.

The theme this time is "Love and Intimacy." Love and relationships have many forms: love, friendship, family affection, or relationships that cannot be described by these words and cannot be classified or defined. When getting along with someone in a close relationship, it affects you many feelings, emotions, and personal explorations. This can be active or passive; there is understanding, being understood, or not being understood; there is equality, and there is not being seen. Because relationships are subtle and undefinable, there is a lot of exploration and reflection in them. In this issue, I would like to invite you to write about yourself and the other person in your intimate relationship, and share these stories with us.

The Seven-Day Book has more than 200 participants so far, so after the writing of this issue, we hope to invite literary friends who have participated in the Seven-Day Book in the past to join us in the "Seven-Day Book Sharing Session". All new and old readers are welcome Participants participate together, accompany each other on the writing journey, exchange writing experiences and feelings, and share life stories, various reflections on writing, etc. Please pay attention to subsequent announcements for more details.

Matters has launched the "Free Writing" project and recruited the "Seven Days Book" writing community. We hope to practice with you every day and complete your life diary with you. At the same time, we will exchange diaries with the authors in the group and read with each other.

In this seven-day plan, a group of companions will work with you to complete a seven-day diary in a free-writing style with one topic every day. It is an exercise that allows you to accumulate the story of your life while also having the courage to believe in your own writing; it is a companionship, knowing that there are people reading on the way of writing. It is a journey of your own, and it is a journey together.

Free writing is a specialized writing technique that means people write within a limited period of time, sometimes based on a designated topic. They do not pay much attention to rhetoric, conventions, and structure when writing, allowing their thoughts to flow naturally. The work does not have to be perfect or rigorous, but it can help the author overcome the obstacles of self-criticism. Author Peter Elbow is committed to promoting free writing, "The result of writing is that you have to start with the wrong words and the wrong meaning; but keep writing until you use the right words to express the right meaning. Only In the end, you will know what you are talking about.”

"Free writing" is also about returning to the place in your heart. Corresponding to a topic, you only write for twenty minutes or half an hour. When writing, you must protect this time, block out distractions, have a dialogue with your thoughts, and finally see what you wrote. , and try not to judge it. Because you have to believe that you have written down the most important content.

 「自由寫」心法提示: (一)動筆之前,先預定好一段專心書寫的時間(建議20 到30 分鐘) (二)不需嚴謹處理文法、修辭,也不作修改,只需要在指定的時間內寫作(三)相信過程、相信自己的思緒,直接紀錄,不要批判你的內容(四)不要介意作品是否有完整結構,看到題目之後,讓思緒帶著你,相信當下的感覺是重要的,並且寫下來

The title of this issue <br class="smart">The first day (July 1)
Write about a relationship that is hard to define but means a lot to you.

The next day (July 2)
Has there ever been a moment in a relationship when you felt so foreign to yourself that you didn't recognize yourself at all? Write about one such moment.

The third day (July 3)
Remember an experience in a relationship that brought you deep self-awareness or introspection. Through this experience, you finally understand something very important in your growth.

The fourth day (July 4)
In a relationship, have you ever had a moment when you turned from passive to active? Whether it is love, family or friendship.

The fifth day (July 5)
Remember a time when you felt "seen" in an intimate relationship.

Day Six (July 6)
Write about a moment that made you decide to end a relationship.

The seventh day (July 7)
On the seventh day, come to the vaguest and most distant relationship in your memory, and write down a little thing that you find inexplicable but always remember.


  • Registration period: June 24 (Monday) to June 30 (Sunday), deadline at 23:59 (East Eighth District)

  • Writing period: July 1 (Monday) to July 7 (Sunday), one article per day, the last submission deadline is 10:00 on July 8 (Monday) in East Eighth District

How to participate in "Seven Days of Free Writing"?
Registration Process:

  • Please leave a message in the comment area of ​​this article, including (1) personal introduction (recommended 100 words), (2) briefly share why you want to participate in the Seven-Day Book. After receiving the reply confirmation of " Thank you for participating, you have successfully registered " , it means that the registration is successful!

  • Seven Days Book is a small writing community. We encourage authors to get to know each other, so signing up and letting others know you is also an important step. Therefore, those who have not completed the above registration process will not be included in the list of this seven-day diary writing. Only by completing the above registration process can they be entered into the "Grand Slam" list of those who submit their diary within seven days as scheduled, and can participate in the workshop. Qualifications.

  • This event does not accept mid-way registration. Please register before 23:59 pm on June 30 (Sunday) in Dongba District. It doesn’t matter if you missed this issue, you will have another chance next time!

How can I participate in the writing of "Seven Days Book"?

  • One article per day for seven consecutive days. Post the diary in your Matters account. You decide the title and the number of words in the text. When posting, please add the tag # 七日书

  • We recommend that you create an anthology of your Seven Days Book articles ( guide here ) to fully present your writing

  • Matters users are located all over the world. In order to take care of friends with different time differences and writing habits, the deadline for posting every day is 10 a.m. in East 8th District the next day. (For example: If you are used to writing quickly late at night, you can send out the first diary entry on July 1st before 10:00 am on July 2nd, and the second diary entry on July 2nd before 10:00am on July 3rd. diary, and so on).

  • We will record the author's writing progress and publish the list of participants who "completed the Grand Slam" after the event, that is, those who completed the seven-day diary on time. Those who publish on time for seven consecutive days will be able to register for Manini's writing workshop (early or late submissions will not be included in the calculation of the Grand Slam)

Where can I read articles about the "Seven Days Book"?

  • You can find the diaries of literary friends through the "Seven Days Book" tab , read, leave messages, interact, and encourage each other

  • Encourage everyone to make literary friends through writing. In addition to writing, you can also leave comments on other people’s articles and interact with each other, so that your inner feelings can be communicated through writing.

  • "Seven-day book exchange diary" series: In order to better display and organize the seven-day book, we will issue three "Seven-day book exchange diary" during the event, and post the account names and interactions of participants who submitted the seven-day book as scheduled. Articles with high popularity, articles from newly registered authors to express welcome, hidden treasure articles, editor-selected articles, selected comments, etc. This collection of articles will present the results of the Seven Days Book community.

Seven-Day Book "Grand Slam" and "Participation Award"

  • Grand Slam: If you can complete the registration process and submit the seven-day diary on time, you will be deemed to have completed the seven-day diary, and will be awarded the "Grand Slam" and receive an exclusive NFT for commemoration and encouragement.

  • Participation Award: If you can complete the registration process and submit more than half (four days) of your diary on time, you will receive the "Participation Award" and become an active participant in the Matt City Freewriting Group

  • Among the participants of the second issue of the Seven-Day Book, the author who received the most responses is @ANGELA CHEN. Congratulations on getting an e-book. Manini’s first novel " Hometown is Useless", "When the place where I grew up became useless " Hometown ", please contact us via email at for collection matters.

About "Seven Day Book Sharing Session"

  • Date: Thursday, July 11, 19:30 (Taiwan time, East 8th District)

  • Online address:

  • Activity introduction: The Seven-Day Book accompanies you to complete your life diary. You and your literary friend may not know each other, but you read their respective stories through the text. We invite all participants to come to the online sharing session to exchange writing experiences and feelings. Event details will be announced at a later date.

  • All Matt City users are welcome to participate in this event. If the event time is limited, priority will be given to participants of the Seven-Day Book to speak.

Exclusive Seven-Day Book NFT to record your participation in free writing activities

We have issued the first and second phase of exclusive commemorative NFTs to "Grand Slam" participants who posted on time within seven days and bound their wallets to their Matters account, a total of 92 people. If you want to get NFT in the third phase or later, you can refer to this guide to learn how to bind a crypto wallet.

For participants who have obtained NFT, you can check it in the crypto wallet, such as the "NFTs" column of Metamsak, the "NFT" column of Trustwallet, and the "Collectibles" column of Zerion (depending on which crypto wallet you use); You can also go to the NFT platform Openseas to view it. After binding the encrypted wallet address connected to Matters on the platform, click "collected" in "Profile". If you can't see it, you can go to the "hidden" option of "more" to view it. Click "unhide" to display it on your page.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

自由寫自由寫 Free Write 是一種寫作模式,指的是讓思緒自然流動、即時且隨心的寫作。我們將持續舉辦不同主題的自由寫活動,邀請你一同練習、一同書寫與閱讀。
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