I expect Qingshan to see me like this

He turned to another autumn poem, about mountains and lakes, about the child who recited ancient poems in memory.

Yesterday, I watched a short film called "Looking at Mount Lu". A father misses his son who died early. He took the football he bought for his son all the way to an elementary school in Lushan, and asked the security guard if anyone had received a corneal transplant recently. , said he wanted to meet him and give him the football. As you can imagine, it must have been rejected by the security guard. Later, when he chatted with a teenager he met on the way up the mountain, he mentioned that his son's cornea might have been donated to that child. Even if there was only a small chance, he would like to meet this child. In the end, I couldn't get my wish, so let's take a football to climb Mount Lu, the place my son wanted to come most before his death.

He finally sat on the top of the mountain and looked at the sea of clouds in the distance. He recalled the childish voices of his son when he recited poems. He promised to take his son to see all the mountains that appeared in "Primary School Students Must Memorize 75 Ancient Poems". One answer is Lushan, because Lushan has the most poems written. "Looking at the ridge and the peaks on the side, the distance is different, the height is different, I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, and I just live in this mountain." "The flying stream goes down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling into the nine heavens." Even Tao Yuanming "picked chrysanthemums and east hedges." Next, you can see that the "Nanshan" in "Nanshan" actually refers to Lushan.

But maybe from the first wish, which was an unfulfilled wish, the boy who recited ancient poems incessantly died in a hurry without even seeing a mountain as magnificent as the one depicted in the ancient poems.

After my father went down the mountain, he still went to the school at the beginning of the film, knowing that it was impossible to meet the child he had never met, but he still stood at the school gate and looked around for a long time before he was willing to leave. Later, I saw two boys playing football on the grass by the roadside, gave them the football, and stood by to watch them play.

Here, the movie ends. It seems that the child who only left the voice of reciting ancient poems was sealed in a football because of his father's strong thoughts. He traveled thousands of miles to another city to see someone who has his own eyes. If he sees it, the football will be given to him. He is a kind of integrity in his father's heart, and it is also a farewell.

But I haven't seen it, and I can't see it, so the obsession hidden in football followed to Mount Lu, I saw the sea of clouds, and shared with the teenagers who also liked to play football on the way to the mountain: kick it. But the ball is so new - football is meant to be played. But I haven't "pointed" it out, I just started to realize that this is just a football, and my heart is still painful, unwilling, and fantasy. So I couldn't help but go to school again, but in the end it was shattered.

Maybe while walking on the road, I suddenly think of the scene I saw on Mount Lu, or something else. After this part of the road is over, the football should go where it should go, so I can make up my mind and give it to the roadside so easily. kids playing football. At this time, the football has become an ordinary football, with only the function of football, and the children will only remember that it was given by an adult on the side of the road. For his father, he only knew the story of football in his hands, and he would not know what happened next.

The longing for his son has even become an obsession, or the imprint on his son that he thinks is still on football, on the pair of corneas obtained by the child who has never met, can finally dissipate. Football is meant to be played. Once the connection between things and people that my father had set up with the wishful thinking of longing is loosened until it is cancelled, it doesn't matter who it is given to. This kid, that kid, maybe the kid who needs football is more appropriate.

The film is short, but I still have the illusion that I don't know how long I have watched it. At four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was shining outside, and the curtains were airtight to block the heat wave. I just took a bag of edamame from the refrigerator and peeled it. I finished reading it in the semi-dark living room. The same happened. A story in summer.

It seems that when the film ends, it will move forward with the time in reality. When autumn is about to come, this story is not over. Or he turned to an autumn poem, about the scenery of mountains and lakes, about the child who recited ancient poems in his memory, but in any case, he could only climb the mountain by himself and go forward alone.


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Lola来自边疆地区的年轻人 https://m.cmx.im/@lola
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