Immigrant Life: July 1st National Day

If you point out right away that the July 1st Special Administrative Region's founding day cannot be regarded as a National Day, you are mistaken. I mean Canada's National Day, which is also on July 1st.

Canada's National Day is called Canada Day (Canada Day), the United States is called Independence Day (Independence Day), also known as 4th of July.

Having lived in Canada for more than 20 years, I didn't actually go to celebrate the National Day. At first, because I was an international student, I had nothing to do with myself, and most of the time I was not in Canada during the summer vacation. After living for a long time, I became a citizen, and I am quite familiar with the national anthem. I just couldn't sing the complete French version, and I still didn't particularly want to participate in the celebration. It's just a one-day vacation. If there are consecutive vacations, I may plan to travel with friends, camping and fishing, etc., and I don't even have a national flag. In a free country, everyone has the freedom to choose what to do or not to do.

Capitol Hill in the capital Ottawa Photo: CTV News

Probably after the 1997 handover, July 1st has a double meaning for us. However, there is still no special celebration. There will even be double celebrations in the Chinese community. Those old-fashioned ways can’t even be mentioned. Our interests are even deliberately avoided. It should be that after the 71.5 million people took to the streets in 2003, the July National Day parade became a routine event, and there are more Chinese people in Canada. Many people will share their findings, especially things that have "success". , I just know some National Day activities, some provide free food.

In foreign countries, most of such celebrations are spontaneous and do not need to be extravagant. There must be a large number of people and flags flying. Just a few friends and family, eating a rich meal can already represent the happiness of a person in a free country. It was only later that I found out that on National Day, the City Hall will be open, and the mayor will meet the citizens. Everyone is just meeting and taking pictures, and the queues are quite long. And some refreshments and the like entertain everyone. I heard that there are hot dog sodas before, but I have never been there. I am afraid of queuing. And some districts hold barbecues in municipal parks, usually ribs, which they call Rib Fest, which is full of aroma and has a very summery taste. We are also very casual, someone who is interested in throwing a barbecue party, usually attracts a group of friends to gather together, sprinkle a large piece of meat in a big glass, and blow water, it is no better.

As for the national flag, it will definitely be hoisted in government agencies, while private ones vary from person to person. If you don't hang it, no one will question whether you are patriotic. If you want to hang up, no one will care if you meet the standards. Of course, you shouldn't hang upside down, but I don't think the National Security Police will come to the door to pull people right away. In the picture below, several young people wear a national flag each and go shopping, looking at the direction of the maple leaves. There must be some people turning heads and tails, but who would mind? Another mixed flag with a rainbow flag and national flag is also common, and there will never be a problem or violation of the law.

A lot of people immigrate to Canada every year. Those who are admitted to the loan test are available every month. Usually, those who pass the test and become citizens will gather a group of people to take an oath ceremony in front of the loan judge. If the time is right, if the exam is passed in May or June, it is possible to participate in the special ceremony held on National Day. It is very meaningful to be able to take an oath to borrow on the National Day, and the TV station will make interview videos. And the Chinese community will also make interviews with the Chinese, just like the news of the first baby being born on the first day of the new year, it is just a routine thing.

If you like mass fun activities and watch fireworks, it is best to go to Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the capital, where there are full-day music performances, air shows, honor guard inspections, etc., and then there are fireworks in the evening. However, compared to Hong Kong, it is only a small scale. It seems that Canadians are not very keen on watching fireworks, but it is more fun to put them on their own. Like Hong Kong, Canada usually restricts items such as fireworks and gunpowder, which cannot be bought or sold, let alone played. In Hong Kong, it even includes gun battles, but during the Chinese New Year, there are always people playing stealthily in the rural areas of the New Territories. In Canada, during several long holidays in summer, including National Day, citizens can play with fireworks. In those days, you can buy all kinds of fireworks in convenience stores and even supermarkets, but the price is quite expensive, and it takes only a few seconds. The clock will burn one, and those who are good at this way can spend a few hundred Canadian dollars at any time!

It is important to pay special attention that it must be kept away from residential houses and cannot be placed in your own backyard. Generally, it can be done in an outdoor park, and the scale of viewing on both sides of the Victoria Harbour is of course incomparable, but as long as you try it once, the feeling and satisfaction will definitely be more fun, and you can master it yourself, you can cooperate with a few people to create a chain effect. kind. However, to have fun, it can be very painful!

Always in a democratic country, many people's livelihood affairs are from the bottom up, and they participate spontaneously. They will not always remind you to be patriotic, to be grateful, and to be able to live happily in one place. It does not explain everything. The greatest freedom is always the right to choose not to do what you don't want to do, and that's something to celebrate!


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Simply Red,簡單一句,就是紅!
