With a tiger heart, face the impermanence and borrowing of the world

Late at night, she has the power and ambition to imitate a tiger / leap out

A little tiger drawn by a friend 🐯

It's finally spring! It feels like the old year has finally passed away on this day, or it has fallen into a new cycle. The story of spring has happened more than once.

Why is the Year of the Tiger, it seems to be much more solemn than the previous years when it was huddled together, who let out a sigh of relief: Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! Tiger is good.

And I unconsciously came up with the little people wearing tiger clothes and jumping around - I have only seen them in the pictures, they are the tiger clothes and rattan soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, and fighting is like dancing.

But in any case, the Year of the Tiger is so grand, you have no idea what the tigers who are rolling and jumping want to do, and why they are so happy.

I feel the decay of this world more and more frequently, but at this juncture, it feels like some people are still performing all kinds of bizarre poses like exercises, like tiger-clothed rattan soldiers that I can't fathom.

Silent and expressionless, they hid themselves under nondescript tiger clothes, tiger hats, and shields with tiger faces, and continued to dance. But the heart protected under the animal skin is still human and fragile, and it is even more vulnerable when firearms and bullets are fired at the same time.

In such a joyous and almost distorted age, we still worship animal gods, and we don’t know what we want them to bring. All our wishes, big and small, have all turned into tigers, all kinds, rolling and jumping. The tiger-clothed rattan is like an enduring metaphor, revived a hundred years later, used to fight bad things.

But maybe what we need to borrow is not a pair of animal skins, but a real tiger heart, so that people can quietly face the impermanence and borrowing of the world.


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