In Dali, half in web3

The "virtual currency" identified by the police, Web3 was hit by Web0's dimensionality reduction

"Oh, so you're all in web3 now?"

"No, I'm not, I'm just half in web3."

This answer is particularly big - the way it came to my mind, as if you put the projector so far away from the wall that the font is so big that it's distorted at the edge of the ceiling.

How can I be all in web3?

In terms of time allocation, I need plenty of time outside of my web3 life to stay healthy and in shape. I'm probably too used to men in seaside tops disappearing and bikini free girls. During the Dali web3 event, I rarely noticed a better body shape. Maybe because too many people are all in web3, the body of web0 is rotten.

It would be strange to imagine a web3 conference where the dress code is "topless or bikini". If I'm still in charge of the desoc camp next year, I'll definitely stick it in the center of the soup.

Wait, however, exacerbates an already bad problem—male gaze. Jiaqi said that from time to time she noticed the male gaze in her daily life, but during the conference, the male gaze was almost a kind of existence like "the whole class of Ultraman raised their hands and swarmed in front of the teacher's face to compete for attention". .

But, wait again, it's probably okay for most people, because most people don't get stared at. On Saturday afternoon, Xiyu asked me to attend a closed-door event. She may have tacitly assumed that this was a very normal round, but for me, who hardly appeared in the web3 round, the moment I sat down, I found an abnormality: except for her as the organizer, the remaining 10 people were all man.

Does the male gaze and the absence of females have anything to do with web3, or with the web3 conference? I don't really care. But I care about these real, social, gender issues. Sitting down with Jiaqi, we'll discuss individual troubles outside of web3; walking behind closed doors, I can't stop myself from thinking about the gender issues that come to my face.

My mind can't be all in web3. Web3 hasn't made me sad, tangled, troubled, or empathetic yet, but what happened to my friends can.

33 Always plagued by existential problems, she said she could not reconcile "everyone is unique" and "everyone is fundamentally one with each other". Her life is wrapped in great nihilism, but she also believes that "ending life" is not the way to "truth".

"What exactly do you want to be true?" I asked. "I don't know, that's exactly my problem," she said, "but I can only get close to it if I'm alive. Maybe for pure pleasure? Pleasure, to make the 'real' real. "

"By the way," she added, "this is the chat between people. I really can't talk to the people at web3 about this. When you talk about nihilism, people don't know what to say."

Indeed, I'd love to spend time chatting with my web3 friends about things web3 doesn't. I have room in my head outside of web3, and my friend's questions want to occupy my head, and my head welcomes that.

Even in the products I've personally helped create, I'm not fully committed to the web3 vision. One of the goals of Social Layer is to use non-quantitative, non-tradable tokens to construct a person's digital identity. The idealistic and positive parts are written in the white paper, but the dystopian, black mirror-like, or simply let Concerns about the further boredom of the world also often cast a shadow on my mind.

Terry asked me, will a more explicit social evaluation system make more people constantly under pressure to maintain a good social image? Even these social evaluations will directly determine the content and quality of services that a person can get in a supermarket, coffee shop, or office building?

The wilderness will raise the question of evildoers using the infrastructure we designed to pay bribes. There are also friends who will challenge individuals to build fake team identities in the network, snowball and then defraud.

I could try to respond to these questions, but I don't think it's necessary. I don't think these issues challenge our design, but rather, they share my deepest concerns that have nothing to do with web3 itself.

Many people in All in web3 can start from scratch, start from a blank piece of paper, start from an open space, and build their imagined society. But I can't seem to be able to do it, the fragile, selfish, malicious part of human nature has been haunting my web3 exploration road. It looks like my feet are crawling web3, but my eyes aren't always looking at the road, I'm used to looking at people around me, and people in the distance who aren't on web3.

I would worry about real life being bored by "open and transparent on-chain". I used to think that if I entered the Dali 706 community, it would be great for them to be able to see what I have done and received in the Shanghai 706 community on the chain. I no longer have to introduce myself like a complete stranger, and they are the same. We all have first- and second-degree trust in each other, which will make it easier for me to integrate into a community and gain everyone’s trust faster.

But in fact, such web3 infrastructure is not yet complete, the new community has not been able to understand and accept me with such a low threshold, and I have not been able to truly get rid of the role of "stranger" - so, because I started Deliberately cherishing the countdown to the disappearance of this "stranger feeling" in the near future, I fell in love with the "stranger" experience instead.

I can easily change, fake or create new identities in new communities. I can choose to communicate new parts of my life that don't intersect with each other. The wonderful experience of being a "stranger" raises important questions: Is more transparency, more truth, more permanence, a good thing?

Web3 has rapidly developed a unique meta-narrative, building a wonderful worldview and values that unite the web3ers. Because I hold similar values, I will go to the web3 river. However, I am always wary of the undercurrents and turbulence of this river, of the boundaries and expansion of these values, of their extremes and crushing humanity in a story that is constantly self-reinforcing.

So I can't go to the river with both legs at the same time. I have to always make sure that one leg is in the water and the other is on the shore.

If so, it's not all in, it's half in.


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