Drunk months are frequent in the saints, and flowers are not a problem for you.

The answer is revealed. The thing in the pool~

Tang – Li Bai

I love Master Meng, and it is known all over the world.
Hongyan abandoned Xuanmian, white head lying on pine clouds.
Drunk months are frequent in the saints, and flowers are not a problem for you.
The high mountains can be looked up to, and only here is Qingfen.

This is a poem written by Li Bai to Meng Haoran. It is an admiration for Meng Haoran's bearing, romantic, and does not refer to the negative misunderstanding of modern times. The word is an appreciation for Meng Haoran's bearing and talent.

I would like to use this poem, that "mystery", to solve the problem of the previous article.

Before being a vegetarian, I was not sensitive to seafood and food swimming in the water. As long as there were creatures that were stained with water, I didn’t dare to touch them at all, and I didn’t even dare to eat porridge. At that time, I never thought that I would raise fish in a few years.

There is no need to write too much about the experience of the aquarium. After all, I have withdrawn the tank now. However, during those years, it was a very happy thing to meet people with the same interests and interests. The memories are not only on the fish, more on people.

Obsessed, a group of people are obsessed with the same thing, and they all put it in the front of their lives. Could this be the fascination? !

When the tank was withdrawn, the tiger-spotted dinosaur king was handed over to the junior aquarist. After more than ten years, he was still cared for and still alive. Will not be ignored because of free acquisition, this is the memory. Don't think that she has shrunk, I used a macro lens to record it, and she should be ten centimeters in size at that time.

At that time, I thought that the six-tank was quite addictive. We traveled all over Taiwan, and we were a group of friends, visiting the homes of aquarists everywhere. At that time, I realized that I was just a small coffee.

The cover photo is not the protagonist, just a memory.

If you use this uncommon fish species to guess the riddle, it is not my level of easter eggs.

Putting this on the cover is just a test. Probably has brought many people back to the previous page ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

For some aquarists, a four-foot fish tank is the basic equipment. You can imagine a fish tank. A normal person can lie in it and know how big its capacity is.

The host I picked for Xiaojin had a ten-foot fish tank. It was as shocking as the Ocean Life Museum. Of course, ten feet was far worse than the Ocean Museum. Just imagine, a fish tank of this size in a private home would be enough to make you stunned. Too bad the photo can't be found...

So, a fan, and a fan.

Getting to the point.

This aquarist was even more crazy and obsessed. He built a low wall with bricks in an abandoned room at home and raised fish.

  • Sister Angel, immediately guess it's sturgeon, this fish pond is indeed suitable.
  • Senior VC, I guessed it was an elephant fish. When I said no, he saw the maintenance of the water quality and immediately thought that the owner should put a lot of effort into it. Water quality is the key word
  • Deer, I guessed the stingrays. At that time, the breeding of stingrays did have great benefits. This aquarist also raised stingrays, but unfortunately not.
  • Amy, Luz and the others guessed it was a crocodile, a crocodile, maybe he raised it now, but this pool is not.
  • Wei Lan, said it was koi, this pond is indeed suitable for koi, but it is covered with iron nets.

Prompt 1. The owner, for the sake of water quality, changes the water every day, carries water every day, and does not have a day off.

Tip 2. There is a cover, which means that the fish has a good temper.

Tip 3. There is a viewing window at the bottom right of the fish pond, which means that the viewing of this fish is not only from top to bottom, so koi and stingrays are excluded, but can be overlooked and viewed from the side.

The answer will be revealed

The host family goes to the beach every day to fetch and change water. "I've tried halogens from marine fish, but they're not as good as those from natural seawater," he said.

I know that the photo was not taken well, because the shark is swimming very fast, I forgot the name of the shark, only to see that the whole person is stunned, it should be said that we are all stunned......

Fan, in front of him, we lost far to him!

Both the idiot and the fish in the previous article have the same pronunciation, this article is dedicated to those who love fish (foolish)~~

Write at the back:

Large fish species, whether it is the elephant fish mentioned earlier to the senior, or the aquarist's shark, will eventually be donated to the relevant units.

In addition, this little shark was rescued by its owner. I don't know if it was stranded at the time? Or caught by fishermen? Because of her, the host family specially made a fish pond for temporary foster care.

I like the aquarium (writing), the fish that swims in the fish tank (the leisurely text in the article), no matter whether anyone appreciates it or not, my obsession is not because of the appreciation of others, maybe appreciation will give me motivation, but, obsessed , seems to be biased, not a real fan.

Putting the word "shuizu" into writing, it seems to be the same. Although there are fewer people in Matt City, the currency value has dropped, and the leisurely travel of words will not retreat, maybe it's just another way to wander~~

I still like stupid


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