Looking back, someone inspired you when you didn’t want to step into writing

Speaking of writing, it's not something I liked since I was a child. An accidental homework assignment, unexpectedly received a high score from the teacher, and the soul of writing planted a seed in the little heart. However, after high school, my strength stagnated as if it had been frozen, and I was frustrated in the writing of existing articles, so I followed another wave of writing novels.

2021.05.27 The first launch of Pathfinder2021.11.23 The second launch of Matters

Speaking of writing, it's not really a childhood hobby, let alone a hobby.

Almost half of the primary school's aspirations were instilled by my parents: being a nurse, a teacher, an accountant, etc. When I grew up, I became a designer, an artist..., but none of them had anything to do with writing.

My connection with writing was probably when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school. One of my homework assignments was to write a composition about life in the night market. As usual, I wrote whatever came to my mind. A few days later, my homework was posted on the bulletin board by the teacher, with a score of 94. I was flattered, and after a few days, I was recommended by my teacher to participate in the school composition competition, and unexpectedly, I won the second place. Then after a while, I was recommended by my teacher to participate in the elementary school composition competition in the county, which was probably the largest competition I have participated in since I was a student.

Of course, I still remember the way the teachers sat in the front seat on the day of the competition, and inadvertently said something while chatting: "Look at the children who go to the competition this time, they probably won't win the prize." (There were other students in the car at the time. , remember that it is a phonetic glyph)

At the moment, I didn't say anything or refute. If I were now, I should have said to the teacher: "Teacher, you understand well, I feel the same way~~" (super confident)

Later, the fact proved the teacher's idea, including the follow-up composition competition in the town. I began to doubt whether my second place in the school was a fluke, and even wondered if the school was out of talent, so I asked me to go to the competition. Fortunately, at that time, the class guide was very generous, and I would still use my composition as an example in my usual homework, which was a great comfort to my young mind.

When the sixth grade was about to graduate, the teacher wrote a personality trait form for the whole class to fill in. Among the full options, I checked the "writing" column on the interest side. It seems to be in line with the teacher's impression of my characteristics. When the class was over, he specially said this to me:

"You can write articles on the blog."

My current thoughts are all kinds of black question marks and doubts, what is a blog? for what? When writing an article, who should read such a standard composition? Also, what to write? Also, it's not well written.

The teacher's suggestion then went with the wind. When I was in middle school, my writing skills did not improve, but stayed where I was. What is certain is that I did not write 6-level articles in the middle school exam and basic test. Most of the 4-level points are scored, and the 5-level points can be counted with ten fingers, so I doubted whether I was Fang Zhongyong 2.0, oh No, Fang Zhongyong is still in the realm of a child prodigy, and I can't even touch the edge.

Is writing really a hobby? But I can't be sure.

Not sure, but I followed the wind, yes, writing novels, when I was 15.

Now that I think about it, the classmates around me are really crazy. In the study room before the national three exams, others are reading, and the classmates next door are writing novels; a classmate from elementary school who has been in touch for a long time sent a letter saying that she took a very beautiful pseudonym; A best friend said that she posted a novel she wrote in Wuming, but she had a lock code, and she wanted to read it and ask her again.

It’s not uncommon to peek at novels in class, but it’s even more trendy to write novels while reading.

Probably just this feeling

As a result, a plot outline slowly emerged in my mind. After a while, I found a favorite notebook and started writing stories.

High school is the time when writing is the most enthusiastic (although I have never written a 6-level article), especially for novels, inspiration keeps popping up, the speed of handwriting cannot keep up with the speed of inspiration, and there are plot problems or If there is a bottleneck, I will find someone to discuss the plot, clarify it, and then continue to write.

At that time, I was really happy to write.

Of course, when I was in high school, I had a second blow, like "How are you?" Courage at 17 and Continuity at 25", plus: No one thinks you're a super writer, just acting like a mediocre.

So when I first came out of college, I didn’t touch writing, and blogging or something was even more irrelevant to me.

Until now, when I took over as a Facebook editor at work, I once wrote a landscape essay to share and confirmed it to the supervisor. I still remember clearly what he said at that time:

"As soon as you see the word, you will have a picture in your mind, and it's well written."

I didn't have much reaction at the moment, but I was sure that I was really stunned, flattered and dumbfounded.

I suddenly regained my confidence in writing, my passion, my drive, and so much more, just like the simple joy I had in high school.

Maybe elementary school teachers and current supervisors, they don't remember those words they said, but the brief words have always affected me. Therefore, there are follow-up Pathfinders (now Matters), the creation of novels, the textual analysis of works...

I'm doing what I love, which is writing.

Photo by Burst


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

貓兒愛貓成痴,但是又對貓毛過敏的女孩。 從精神上的貓奴,變成實質上的貓奴,喜歡貓咪呼嚕嚕的幸福聲音。 星座是大貓座,但個性很像家貓,喜歡放假一個人窩在家裡,享受一個人的獨處,沈浸在自己打造的文字世界裡。 期待自己的寫作風格,具有貓的優雅與貓的狂野,剛柔並濟。 我是貓兒,這是我的故事。
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