wake me up when september ends

When I typed this line, the boring time cake expanded again.

When I went out in the morning, I made a special detour to see the kittens that sell buns. But bad luck did not meet them, the black kitten with a beautiful bell and its little master.

Lost and returned, the sun that was originally hidden in the dense forest also disappeared, as if the road came to an end when you got there. Coupled with the result of this loss of soul, it is impossible to return to the state of being safely wrapped. Those futures that were promised suddenly happened, but you never thought that we might never see the cat. You didn't do this kind of mental preparation, and you couldn't bear it.

And just like that, with the inevitable loss of some future time, September is almost over. But can time be an illusion, I can feel it sometimes and sometimes not. Why is there such a big difference when the same scale is stacked to the last moment when it can be perceived? I'm talking about the beginning and the end of a period of time, and when they come, they're always jarring and different.

I remember talking about leap years with K before, what kind of four years are between special years and special years, will it be different from ordinary years and ordinary years? In fact, it is the same, and the middle of them is also an ordinary year. And our ordinary days, now, before, after, next to, are also ordinary.

Four o'clock in the afternoon. When I typed this line, the boring time cake expanded again. September, September, I have had it twenty-three times in my own time, and it will continue to slip from my hands. I imagine those times, when I haven't come, or when I'm dead, when the world has more Septembers, a million times longer than I've been alive.

The sun shines on a sewing machine's face, and he doesn't want to do anything

September is coming to an end and I don't want to do anything but see how the sun shines on a lot of things.


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Lola来自边疆地区的年轻人 https://m.cmx.im/@lola
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