七日書:寫出成長軌跡 · 第七天

Seven Days Book S5E7|How to be careful in the grass-roots team of the world

Only then can your efforts be in vain, and you can respond to and convey love and kindness.

Day 7 As you grow, what is the subject that will accompany you throughout your life? How has your relationship with it changed?

As mentioned in S5E6 of the Seven Days Book | Across Mountains and Seas , the lack of love in childhood led to a giving personality, which will unconsciously please others and subconsciously think that giving love will get love. It wasn't until I realized this in recent years that I began to consciously and carefully "give" to avoid becoming a patient with generosity disease (I just learned today that "generosity disease" is a real disease).

It stands to reason that giving should not be expected in return. However, the limitations of human nature determine that in most cases, "giving gets a response" compared with "giving is like pouring water into a bottomless pit." The former makes "giving" more sustainable. Because those who give are also human beings - and even gods need to be worshiped, rather than just giving comfort by doing nothing - they will definitely react because of the response they receive, making it easier to adjust their giving actions. Human energy is limited. Even if we use love to generate electricity, we must have love. How can we continuously send energy to a bottomless abyss? As the saying goes, "You stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you." Not even the abyss. Why pay like this? So I acknowledge my limitations and stop giving unnecessarily.

But, I care. I cannot be indifferent to the injustice outside, cannot help those in need, cannot choose to do nothing when I can do something. Think about it, isn’t it that the functioning of human society has been driven by caring people? The first man who drilled wood to make fire, the first motive to cure diseases and save people, the ancient Greek philosopher who wanted to make the city a better place, Newton who asked why the apple fell, not only used his invention to treat tumors, but also Marie Curie, who donated all her bonuses... Yuan Li, who obviously can enjoy the free life in the United States by working as a director, but is exhausted by starting a podcast and is chased and scolded by China every day, ran from Hong Kong to Taiwan to take over a family that had to Zhang Jieping, who closed the bookstore, Jiang Xue, whose articles kept being deleted and reposted elsewhere, Chai Jing, who moved to Spain after being banned by China and began to rely on self-media platforms to continue her journalistic career, and went to Xinjiang to shoot several paragraphs on her own. A Twitter user who fled to the United States after finding evidence of "concentration camps" while posting documentary images anonymously while struggling to make a living by doing odd jobs... The combined efforts of countless people because of "They care" have jointly promoted the progress of the world; together they have made a difference in the history of mankind's confusion and regression. stage, working together to mend the world, just like when the dark magic eroded the protective barrier when Voldemort rose, a group of magicians raised their wands and used their own power to resist the collapse.

Everyone can become such a magician. So I choose to join them, and use "pay" to respond to and convey their love and kindness, and their efforts to make the world a little better.


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