The Internet is no backcountry

Every inch of land on which I stand with my fellow men is in ruins.

As soon as the Grain Rain passed, the unpredictable rainy season was already waiting overhead, and the large and thick clouds persisted for a long time.

This morning on Liker Social , I saw a sentence on the "Nan Poetry bot", " It's not yet deep in the spring, and a few acres are still enough ", which means that before the spring has passed, hurry up and plant these several acres of land. It is very commensurate with the current season, it sounds like the old man at home is supervising the spring ploughing. But the first thing I saw was the name of this poem, "Exiled from the grain, please learn from the peasant general Tian Nanshan chanting words and expressing love", the author is Wang Shouren. Exiled, food is scarce, please learn from farming. I hadn't read the whole poem, just read the words and couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

Unconsciously thinking of the current epidemic prevention center in China, the first point is Shanghai, and I can't help but feel shocking about the word "food shortage". But it seems that no matter whether it is reported by the media or posted by the people to ask for help, although the expressions are similar in meaning, they have never used such words before, and they seem to be afraid to use them. This is a very general term that points directly to the key points. If we say it is "outdated", Confucius ran out of food in Chen, Wang Shouren was exiled to Longchang, and what about Wuhan when the epidemic broke out and Shanghai today? , isn't everything that's happening in our time also obsolete with the word "food starvation"?

I still copied the original poem of Wang Shouren's poem:

 In exile and living in grain, please learn from the peasant general Tian Nanshan chanting words to send Huai Wang Shouren (Ming Dynasty)
He was exiled and lived in Chen, and his followers had warm opinions.
The mountains are barren and the fields can be talked about, and the money is easy to handle.
There are many barbarians who cultivate by fire, and it is quite convenient to imitate them.
And the spring is not yet deep, and a few acres are enough to rent.
Is it just food for food and a feast for the sake of it?
Leftover ears and black sparrows, the poor and the widow made more than envy.
Lei is out in the morning, and the mountains are cold and easy to frost.

It is easy to understand that the author was exiled to a place and encountered a shortage of food, so he learned how to farm from the local farmers. It seems that the crisis of "food shortage" has been resolved, and I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Only at the end of the title can I have the mood of "Ying Yan and Sending My Heart".

"Exile and live in Chen, the followers have warm opinions." This sentence quotes the allusion that Confucius ran out of food in Chen. "Historical Records: The Family of Confucius" records: Confucius was between Chen and Cai, and the state of Chu sent people to hire him. The doctors in the two countries were afraid that the reuse of Confucius in the state of Chu would threaten them, so they sent troops to besiege Confucius, and Confucius and his The disciples were starved for food. When everyone was so hungry that they fainted and couldn't get up, Zi Lu became sullen and finally couldn't help but get angry, so he asked Confucius: "Do gentlemen also have times when they are poor?" Confucius replied: "A gentleman who is poor can still stick to his conduct, while a villain is poor. It's overflowing uncontrollably."

I wasn't interested in Confucius's admonishing answers, but Zilu's questioning hit my heart hard, without a beat, but it kept reverberating in my heart again and again: Is there a time when a gentleman is poor? Such a naive sentence. But judging from this story, the dark cloud of "food shortage" did artificially fall over their heads. These scholars did not engage in farming, they exchanged some other things for food, and when transportation was blocked or could not be exchanged, they would inevitably fall into the crisis of food shortage.

In this way, there are certain similarities with every city under lockdown today. The resentment in the hearts of every poster can also be summed up by this question from Zilu: Do gentlemen also have times when they are poor? But I foresee that once I say it, I will be condemned. Who is the "gentleman"? What does "poor" mean? They swear by words. But what I mean is that all those who are besieged are Zilu, all gentlemen, and poverty refers to the predicament of all people. Neither the body nor the name could be left.

Compared with what happened today, the dark cloud was indeed artificially shrouded in the center of the epidemic prevention storm, and the people in it were like unlucky ghosts who were besieged by troops sent by Chen and Cai. Outside of the dark clouds, the storm still swept across China, although not as tragic as the closed cities, and many marginal places were still affected.

If lucky enough, this effect is almost negligible. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm such a "survivor". After the outbreak, I stayed in Kunming most of the time. On the eve of the outbreak in Kunming, I didn’t know where to borrow the luck, but I was able to pass by so easily and moved to Tengchong. Sometimes when I browse the flood of information on the Internet, I go over and over again, and I want to write something related to the epidemic. I find that I have nothing to write about, and I feel ashamed. (both for my "good luck" from start to finish and for the idea of "write something")

It seems that since the outbreak of the epidemic, I have been hiding in a small backcountry, and I have avoided some troubles lightly, and I don’t know if I can hide to the end, but I am often ashamed of some trivial troubles.

To this end, a friend left me a message, the Internet is not remote, and he hopes that I can write everything I want to say. To this day, I am still shocked by this sentence, " There is no backcountry on the Internet." It is deafening. Although I quickly rejected this statement, I only wanted to use it from my own preferred angle to say what I want to say: the Internet is not backcountry, but in the Internet world, we are equal and equal.

The "backcountry" I mentioned earlier is a very narrow concept, with a specific meaning, a small place, the edge of a storm. But the "backcountry" he later pointed out was, to me, a broader, more abstract concept that unconsciously slipped into the imagination of equality. If the Internet does not have a "backcountry", then why is the life that each of us presents here so different, or does it only provide us with an "equal" opportunity to tell our own life here. And in the real world we really live in, when disaster strikes, there must be some unlucky ghosts shrouded in the cloud. Where there is an edge, there is a center, and storms are severe and inevitable.

In such a season, @阿川 left me and went to a place closer to the storm; friends who I knew well planned to flee to the edge, wanted to do something for themselves, and hoped to live for themselves once. When I heard on the phone the complicated and rigid anti-epidemic measures that were taking place around them, I felt distraught and confused for a moment - mainly for myself, whether I chose to continue to "evade" or go to the center of the storm. I probably already have the answer in my heart, no matter what, I will choose Yunnan as my destination. But before that, maybe you can take a twist and go to the "center" to see how the places that are not "backcountry" collapse and how they are destroyed.

Why bother to go so far, and finally come back to the poem "Exiled to live in food, please learn from the farmer Tian Nanshan chanting words and feelings", the predecessors analyzed that the poem expresses the poet's thoughts and feelings of "not despising farming". If it is said that in the story of "Confucius died in Chen's death", Zilu asked "Is there a time when a gentleman is poor?" It is naive, then the interpretation of "do not despise farming" here makes people sigh, and it can almost be said to be stupid.

I remembered a piece of local agricultural information that I had inadvertently flipped through before. The title was probably "Do young farmers need to farm?" Some users who did not have nicknames and wore the string of characters assigned by the platform when they first logged in left a message: No What to grow and eat! Don't people eat what people eat? All eat high-tech! Humans can be separated from high technology, but human beings can never be separated from farming.

I secretly imagined that these users may be some of the local farmers who can access the Internet. Even if they are not, their tone is the most sincere and most like farmers. Only farmers have the deepest attachment to crops and land.

Of course Wang Shouren is not a farmer, but he "adopted" the farmer's method. "Is it just enough to eat, let's have a feast ", is it just for the sake of eating? This is not the case. After a good harvest, it will be used to entertain guests; the grains left over from the harvest are left to the black sparrows, and the remaining grains are distributed to the poor; Don't miss the time for frost.

The word "poor and widow" is used in the original text, and the "distribution" of harvested food is within the reach of every human being.

There are also two notes in this poem that impressed me very much, and I also picked them up together:

 Zaichen: In the Analects of Confucius, "in Chen was hungry", and later generations used "in Chen" as a substitute for food shortage.

Wen Jian: Warm, dissatisfied, angry look. See, co-occurrence. It means showing dissatisfaction.

Later generations used "in Chen" as a proxy for food shortage, but the shortage of materials in Wuhan has passed for so long, and people have not learned the lesson of "in Wuhan". The current "hardest hit" Shanghai not only repeated the tragedy of Wuhan suffered, and the situation worsened. I only saw a screenshot of an entry whose authenticity is unknown and seems to be forgotten after a period of time: Shanghai, forcing (someone) to do (something); forcing (someone) to (somewhere). Example: In some cities, homeless people are forced off the streets.

The word "Wenjian", if not from the whole poem, even I don't know what it means, because it is not commonly used or common today. But maybe because of the irony of the official propaganda entry "Wenliang in Chinese people's bones" that has been constantly searched before, the moment I saw "Wenjian", I thought of something so similar to it, but with a completely different meaning. The word, "gentle". When a person's freedom is deprived and his life cannot be guaranteed, he really should show dissatisfaction and anger, how can he be "gentle".

But I also know what the reality is, we can't even type the word "freedom". Do we really have equal opportunities to tell our lives on the Internet? Is there any backcountry on the Internet? If I admit it, every inch of the ground on which I and my fellow men stand is in ruins.


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