The exchange and development of Chinese and Western civilizations

When did the cultural exchange between the East and the West begin? Why is the conflict between Europe, America and the Middle East still not resolved?

The exchange of civilizations can be traced back to the Fuxi era. The Fuxi clan was an ancient nomadic people near the desert of the vast sea. At that time, human civilization was still generally in the period of gathering and hunting. The Fuxi clan, with a relatively advanced civilization, is said to have taught the people to make nets, fish and hunt, and herd animals. , text, gossip and other deeds.

If the legend of Fuxi is true, the original author of "Shan Hai Jing" is likely to be them, and the hieroglyphs and oriental faces around the world may be derived from the spread of their civilization.

The exchange of Eastern and Western civilizations has existed since ancient times. For example, in the relics of the Shang Dynasty, relics of Western civilization and white and black people were found. In the relics of the Qin State in the Zhou Dynasty, a large number of Western cultural relics and different races were also found. They even made for Qin State At this time, the countries in the Central Plains were still using bronze ware.

The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
 A Shepherd Boy tended his master's Sheep near a dark forest not far from the village. Soon he found life in the pasture very dull. All he could do to amuse himself was to talk to his dog or play on his shepherd's pipe.
One day as he sat watching the Sheep and the quiet forest, and thinking what he would do should he see a Wolf, he thought of a plan to amuse himself.
His Master had told him to call for help should a Wolf attack the flock, and the Villagers would drive it away. So now, though he had not seen anything that even looked like a Wolf, he ran toward the village shouting at the top of his voice, "Wolf! Wolf!"
As he expected, the Villagers who heard the cry dropped their work and ran in great excitement to the pasture. But when they got there they found the Boy doubled up with laughter at the trick he had played on them.
A few days later the Shepherd Boy again shouted, "Wolf! Wolf!" Again the Villagers ran to help him, only to be laughed at again.
Then one evening as the sun was setting behind the forest and the shadows were creeping out over the pasture, a Wolf really did spring from the underbrush and fall upon the Sheep.
In terror the Boy ran toward the village shouting "Wolf! Wolf!" But though the Villagers heard the cry, they did not run to help him as they had before. "He cannot fool us again," they said.
The Wolf killed a great many of the Boy's sheep and then slipped away into the forest.
shepherd boy and wolf
 A shepherd boy was tending sheep by the woods near the village. Since herding was boring and monotonous, he quickly got tired of it.
One day, he looked at the sheep and the forest, thinking about what to do if the wolf came, thinking about having some fun first.
His employer once told him that "the wolf is coming to ask for help, and the villagers will drive it away." Although he didn't really see the wolf at this time, he ran to the village and shouted "the wolf is coming!..."
As he expected, when the villagers heard the call, they put down their work and rushed to the pasture excitedly. But when they got there, they found that after being laughed at by the shepherd boy for a few days, the shepherd boy shouted again, "The wolf is coming!..." The villagers rushed to the rescue again, only to be laughed at again.
One evening, as the sun set and the trees spread, a wolf jumped out of the grass and jumped at the sheep.
The frightened shepherd boy ran to the village and shouted "The wolf is coming!..." Although the villagers heard the cry, no one helped him as before. "Don't try to play us again," they said.
The wolf killed many of the shepherd boy's sheep and then slipped into the forest.

The above story of "Aesop's Fables" is probably an adaptation and translation of the story of King You of Zhou's beacon fire drama, because the hired shepherd boy dare not do it, even if he is ignorant and fearless and really dares to do it, the villagers cannot let him laugh He will find his employer to settle accounts or even shoot this ignorant child directly.

Furthermore, it would be more literal and fluent to translate " All he could do to amuse himself was to talk to his dog or play on his shepherd's pipe. " as "boring and monotonous," so Aesop's fable, The original author is probably a business traveler from the East, and King You of Zhou is the original protagonist of this story.

 "Records of the Grand Historian" Ru Si was not funny, but King You wanted her to laugh in all directions, so she did not laugh. King You set up a beacon and a big drum, and when a bandit arrived, he would raise a beacon fire. The feudal lords all arrived, but there were no bandits, and Ru Si laughed. King You said it, for a number of beacon fires. After that, if you don't believe it, the feudal lords won't come... The Quan Rong attacked the King of You. King You raised a beacon fire to recruit troops, but none of the troops arrived. Then kill King You Li at the foot of the mountain...

Although the Qin State was discriminated and isolated by the countries in the Central Plains of the Zhou Dynasty, the economic and cultural exchanges with the West have not been broken. Therefore, the Qin State, which was not bound by the etiquette and corrupted by the Confucianism, was able to rise rapidly and was beyond the reach of the Central Plains princes. Success, the reason why Qin's weapons can be sophisticated is because they are not pedantic and clichéd.

In the Qin Dynasty, after Qin Shihuang unified China, he became more closed and conservative. He built the Great Wall completely isolated from the outside world, and limited his paintings to protect his eternal foundation; Qin's tyranny was quickly overthrown, but the Great Wall remained, Since then, it has become a conservative restriction for the Han people and a shackle of Chinese culture.

The freshness of Han Zhangqian’s access to the Western Regions is enough to reflect the obsoleteness of Zhou, Qin, and Han. The Han people sought allies to fight against the Huns, which opened the door of communication again. These cultures communicated through caravans are not only small in quantity And it is superficial, and then the east wind spreads from the east to the west, and countries in Central Asia and even the West have also become autocratic and corrupted. Many things simply cannot pass through, or they can get in but cannot get out.

When it comes to Western autocratic culture, it may be the result of referring to Eastern culture. Due to the power of the great powers in the East, Western careerists are envious and indirectly contributed to the rise of the Alexander Empire. However, due to the lack of common cultural ideological support, so It collapsed as quickly as it rose.

Alexander's violent entanglement, on the contrary, made peoples of different cultures and ideas more confrontational. After that, the Roman Empire and the Persian Empire rose up. To this day, the contradiction between Europe and the Middle East has not been resolved. , which is roughly opposite to the long-term fusion and unification of the core blooming of oriental culture.


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文明之眼《推背圖》第47象:約五百年後 讖曰:偃武修文,紫微星明,匹夫有責,一言為君 頌曰:無王無帝定乾坤,來自田間第一人;好把舊書多讀到,義言一出見英明
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