Changes made after returning to Matters on the issue of unequal clapping and creative funds | Jihong

It's been more than a week since I updated, thank you for your support 💞

❤️Previous post❤️

After I came back to Matters, I made a lot of changes, and I also learned a lot from Matters, which can make my articles better, or let more people see me, it also took me a lot of thought, and thank you for your The appreciation and support during this time have made me more motivated to share the many interesting stories around my life.


🗓️The change I made 1 Learn to schedule 🗓️

Scheduling is very important to me, because as a student, I can't spend a lot of time editing articles on weekdays, so the main writing time is currently on holidays, and during holidays, I will write about 5 to 6 articles, which may be longer or shorter. . After writing the articles, I will set the release time for each article separately (so it will be announced the day before) , I no longer publish the article immediately after writing the article, I have learned to schedule, which also allows me to manage better The articles that have been written or are still being edited; I will also publish articles at a fixed time ( 7:00 am on weekdays and 8:00 am on holidays) . I feel that after publishing the article early in the morning, people will gradually see the article ( maybe it will be brushed out by other articles 😂 ) and give encouragement.

📨Changes I made 2 Social harder 📨

In addition to writing articles on Matters, social networking is also an important part. I don’t want me to just blindly publish articles and keep outputting without replying at all, so social networking starts with replying to messages. As long as someone leaves a message, I will read it. , and reply to his message. I think replying to the message is very important. It is a channel for the author to communicate with readers , and it can also make many friends. Killing two birds with one stone. Of course, I will also be a reader, appreciate the articles written by other people, and appreciate and leave comments, which also allows me to learn a lot from other people.

💖Changes I made 3 Added "Recently Liked Articles" 💖

The main reason why I added "Recently Liked Articles" is: "Let more good works be seen by more people" I have read many good articles, but those articles disappeared after 1 day due to lack of promotion In the endless sea of Matters articles, although I don't have a lot of traffic, I still hope that I can use my power, even if only a little, to make more articles be seen (by the way, let me rub some heat XD ). Most of the authors that I have connected with will also give me feedback, leave messages with me, etc. I think this will also lead to more communication between me and other authors. If you want more articles to be seen, try Add "Recently Liked Articles"!

🎉We share our experience for a week on a daily basis🎉

The article should have been updated for more than a week since I returned to Matters! I think it's really difficult to get more work, I especially admire @the meow who doesn't do a good job | earnestly make friends and earnestly survive, @ohlak, @毛毳, @choose my sister, @小 Farmer Daily (I’m really sorry for those I didn’t know and didn’t mark), they can do more than 2 updates a day, which is absolutely impossible for me. Just thinking about the subject matter, editing, and scheduling consumes too much time for me. And concentrated output during the holidays is also quite tiring. "Daily Change" is still one of the big challenges for me (may give up at any time 🤣).

👏Creation Fund for Clap Number Matching👏

After a week of full firepower and full output after returning to Matters, I felt that the like coin was not proportional to the number of clapping hands , so I just looked at the data 🔻

from Liker Land

If you don't look at the white like coin on Tuesday, basically only 2 of the 7 days (Sunday and Monday) get more than 100 like coins, and in the next five days I feel the unequal distribution of the creation fund. Continue to look at the data 🔻

from Liker Land
from Liker Land

First look at the article data on "Exams": 123 shots, but only about 28.3 likes? Let’s take a look at the article data of “Ask for Appreciation”: I got 41 shots that day, and I actually got about 133.6likes. On the other hand, another article was also published on the same day, but only about 54.5likes in 131 shots? I believe that almost everyone has it. I have encountered such a situation, and even worse than me, after I read the article by@周冰[ Q&A with LikeCoin's official email | Why should I unconditionally accept such "rules of the game"? ], I learned more about the distribution of like coins, but can I tell the person who claps my hands to say: "Clap less for other people" and so on to limit other people's speech? It is definitely not possible, "because everyone's power is different" , and the power of admiring citizens is higher than that of ordinary likers, which is one of the factors why I am trying to save money to become admiring citizens. I will also think about my usual way of clapping. If I can clap "moderately" to other authors, then they should get more likes! This is what I'm thinking about.

💰Currently my like coin💰

from Liker Land

One step closer to 5000like! Keep going!


I just learned from the article "Reading Bi Farming|LikeCoin's "Daily Creation Fund" adjustment from 3/7" from @readbigeng that the daily creation fund will be reduced from 20000like to 13300like, which means that the like coin we can get will be become less 😥.

🤝Thanks to those who support me 🤝

Since I started running Matters, there are countless people who have helped me, and I am very grateful, especially to these creators @Enochyifun, @小Sun's Star and Heart,@Endless Journey, @Allen shares what Mao, @MiuMiu, @loyal to writing, @ohlak for my support and encouragement, and I am also very grateful to the creators who have been interacting with me in the comments @cat's eyes see the world , @小Sun's Star and Heart, @闎式化, @毛毳, @Not doing a proper job|Serious to make friends and earnestly survive, @yellow-skinned Gypsy Ruth , @ohlak, @Allen sharing what hairs, @Danielson in the fairy tale kingdom of Denmark, @MiuMiu... (Sorry if I didn't mark it), and many more people will also help me clap my hands , thank you 10000%, I feel the human touch of Matters.

An article about "sleep time" will be published tomorrow (3/8) at 7:00 a.m. (GMT+8:00), I hope you can check it out 😁! (Continue daily updates 👌)

This article has come to an end, if you have anything you want to say to Jihong, you are very welcome! I also hope that you can help me clap a lot, so that I can become an appreciative citizen faster! See you tomorrow 😁! (On weekdays, I will start replying to your messages at about 5 pm!)


🔥My last post🔥: Picking up cash in the trash!? A collection of stories about air conditioners | Gihong
⭐My Featured Article⭐: Picking up cash in the trash!? A collection of stories about air conditioners | Jihong (Welcome to clap your hands 🤣)
♥️Last favorite articles♥️: About him -by @Vernaaaaaaa, Diary | Colleagues who hit Omicorn-by @杨娜, [ Taiwanese New York Travel Memories] 3 Just kick it down-by @paperclip , a common wish, I felt a sense of reading Wang Changling's "Sending Firewood to the Royal Palace" -by @ 小白白, Rizuo /You who are not safe-by @日日文青, dear friend Regina. -by @德.do, the "feeling" of the cataract surgery process -by @crocodile handlebar, joking about ancient civilizations∥ This time, let's talk about pyramids around the world-by@I am Ah Yong

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!