Food | Autumn is all about eating crabs!


In the past autumn, I would meet my friends to eat crabs in Wanli, but the live crab season venue was really crowded, and it would be exhausting to queue up at the restaurant alone. This year, I decided to go to the seafood store to buy it and cook it myself.

Bought a sand dude

I have an obstacle to killing, and I am not very good at handling crabs, so I spent an extra 50 yuan to ask the store to help me deal with it.

The cooking method is very simple, put the crabs into the steaming tray, spread the ginger slices (just no ginger slices on hand), then steam them in the electric pot for 12 minutes, put the crabs in the cover at the 10th minute, and then pour a circle of rice wine.

Voilà! Delicious crabs are out!

Although the size does not seem to be small, there is actually not a lot of meat, and it takes a long time to eat XD. I still prefer king crabs that are easy to eat... The super domineering king crabs smuggled in Russia and eaten, can't go back after eating!

Restaurant Zuma, Vladivostok

The next day, I used the soup from the steamed crab to cook a simple and delicious pasta. I made the best use of it!

Method: First fry the snapper fillets with butter, then pour in olive oil, minced garlic, add noodles that have been boiled for eight minutes, add asparagus and a little peeled pepper, pour in the broth, mix well to collect the juice, and finally add salt , black pepper, coriander to taste.

Put whatever food you have at home

Further reading

Matt City Article Index

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