"Phantom Love": Phantom Love Sees True Love, Reflects on Discrimination and Stereotypes


Subtopic 1: Hong Kong is so beautiful. I'm really good _ I like Hong Kong.
Sub-topic 2: I really mind... A work that is so sincere is more chaotic than people's comments.

I finally watched Zuo's "Phantom Love", and I can add comments. I'm so excited.

First of all, I want to compliment the scene design. For example, I used the light rail to shoot the fruit seeds, which is suspicious, and the effect of worrying about gains and losses. It is quite ingenious to choose public housing, even if the cultural background is different, it can be easily put into the situation, so it is suitable for introduction to foreign friends, and he should be interested in the public housing environment and culture in Hong Kong. I really feel that the pictures and shooting standards of Hong Kong movies in recent years are quite high, and I have begun to establish a return to Hong Kong-style aesthetics. I hope to slowly return to the peak of Hong Kong movies in the 1980s and 1990s.

As for the treatment of mental health, I can see that I have done a lot of homework. It is believed that those who have received relevant training or those in the industry will agree that the film shows the situation of schizophrenia.

Personally speaking, the most "politically incorrect" is that the performance of the characters seriously affects the research and professional ethics, and I can see that some of them are not acceptable at the beginning. But the characters all paid the corresponding price, and the energy returned immediately. The script is really good, the screenwriter is very good♡

(Spoiler alert)

In response to the slut shaming in the controversy, first of all explain that people who have never watched the drama know that the situation is that the heroine uses sex as a means of survival or exchange of benefits, she criticizes herself, and she is worried that no one will really Love it.

And the creator is just trying to respond and change the existing concept of reality, so the actor will sincerely say "I don't mind", and practice, to be tight with you and me, and it is difficult to achieve unconditional love if you are sick or not. For a moment, I felt that the male protagonist was like an angel. It can be seen that mental illness does not affect the ability of the lover. It echoes the self-questioning question of the returning male protagonist and the recovered person, and also makes the general audience reflect on the existing concepts and discrimination against the recovered person.

Any good creation and expression will take into account how the audience receives the message, balancing the audience's absorption method and the key point they want to express. Especially if you want to influence or impact existing concepts, if you don't reflect the reality first, it will be very confusing and difficult to accept.

Thinking about it, if there is no such thing as slut shaming, the general public may only come to one conclusion: "Mi is a chicken again." It's like Iwai's play, which is quite eccentric to me, and does not design a plot or dialogue to respond to real life. As an ordinary audience, I watch it all day long, and I really want to vomit.

When people generally approve of something, some people will naturally have doubts and doubts. Critical thinking is a valuable thing, but when criticism turns into sparring and constructive discussion turns into mud wrestling, it only blurs the focus and creates a vicious circle.

Using aggressive or shocking expressions may lead to a lot of discussion for a while, but is it possible to get into the hearts of different people and even change the established concept? I think this is what I have to think about and remind myself.

If you are willing to support my writing, you can go to the cinema to watch Hong Kong movies and support excellent local works, thank you!


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