"Tezos Call for Papers on the Emerging NFT Public Chain of Treasure Digging Base" has ended successfully! Here comes the list of winners 😊

The articles in this essay call are rich in content. Some of them start from the creator's vision and record every step and state of mind they go through to launch their works; some record on-chain activities and physical art exhibitions to observe market development; some talk about DAO of NFT platform and its development to emphasize the interaction and participation of Web3 believers.

The "Tezos Call for Papers on the Emerging NFT Public Chain of Treasure Base" was initiated on June 11 and ended successfully on July 10. There are 20 valid articles in this activity, 15 authors participated, and the effective reading time is 30 hours. Three "Matt City Picks" have been announced, with Matters and Refried Beans also selected for two "Special Awards" and five "Most Inspiring Awards".

The articles in this essay call are rich in content. Some of them start from the creator's vision and record every step and state of mind they go through to launch their works; some record on-chain activities and physical art exhibitions to observe market development; some talk about DAO of NFT platform and its development to emphasize the interaction and participation of Web3 believers.

Tezos public chain NFT continues to develop, creating another front in addition to Ethereum's top-level generative art project Art Blocks. By reducing the casting fee and reducing the conditions for listing works, the entry threshold for creators and collectors is lower and the overall operation is more convenient. Improve. You will see all kinds of works on the Tezos chain. Well-known generative artists continue to publish their works, and the generative art platform Fxhash, which has been dug up, has a great event, but more importantly, there are also many novice creations and Putting works on the shelves forms an open and inclusive scene, opening the door to the creator economy. In view of this, Matters, who emphasized the "creator economy", held an exclusive Tezos essay call, hoping that the author would record various on-chain observations and their creativity.

The results of this call for papers are as follows:

Total bonus: 20 valid articles x 500 = 10000 LIKECOIN

"Matt City" Choice

As of July 10th, the top three with the most clappings will be selected by "Matt City", and will share 20% of the total prize, that is, 2000 LIKECOIN, and each person will receive 666.66 pieces.

  1. First place: The creator economy in the Tezos blockchain world (1) by @陈姸名: 148 hands
  2. Second place: The NFT is present: Response to "From Live to Participation, From Art to Empowerment: Cross-reference between Performing Arts and NFT" by @中武: 123 hands
  3. 3rd Place: Tezos | Super Easy: Get started the first time akaSwap is listed ! by @Daisy: Clap count 116

Authors of other valid articles will receive 470.5 LIKECOIN per article: @陈姸名, @The NFT Titan🧛🏻, @Lusi, @Ariescar, @proxy0001, @hydroponic coriander, @Yipin, @张明耀, @0xlefty. The authors of two valid articles will receive 941 LIKECOINs: @swiftevo, @Ann Chou, @阿pin, @light machine

 The above rewards will be sent to the wallets of authors through the support author function of Matters.news within 1-2 days.

"Most Inspiring Award"

This Matters call for papers is co- organized with @bean paste. Bean paste is the founder of FAB DAO and an active author of Matters. At the same time, he co-operates the Tezos group "Playing Mint" with thousands of people, which has contributed to a community ecology. This time He selected five "most inspiring" authors and gave each of the five authors a "Locking-in vending machine NFT".

1. The NFT is present: Response to "From Live to Participation, From Art to Empowerment: Cross-reference between Performing Arts and NFT" by @中武

2. "Left Ear" NFT|Participation in Tez Dozen Store activities and publicity records by @Ann Chou

3. Get started when you are scammed for the first time: Creators by @Ariescar

4. Open a record store on akaswap: Album Swap Action by @张明耀

5. Quickly analyze the creative method of a fxhash generated artwork by @0xlefty

The "Most Inspiring Award" was awarded as "Locking-in vending machine NFT" #70, which is derived from the doll machine album of Taiwanese photographer Chen Derui, which is a full record of the 100-day creative process. The shooting location of NFT No. 90 is Shenlu Road, Taichung Line.

Please leave your Tezos wallet address in the comment area for the above five authors. If you are concerned about privacy issues, you can write to: hi@matters.news , and indicate in the subject of the email "Tezos Call for Papers on the Emerging NFT Public Chain at Treasure Base" Wallet address. The above rewards will be sent to your wallet from refried beans within three to four days of receiving your Tezos address.

"Special Prize 2"

Matters selects two favorite high-quality articles, and believes that the articles have current situation, trends, observations and analysis, and the winner will receive a Travelloggers NFT.

1. This article will take you to understand the "Ethereum Killer": the evolution history of Tezos by @The NFT Titan🧛🏻

2. Trade to earn - the future of akaSwap and akaDAO by@hydroponic parsley

Matters will copy the wallet address directly from the author's personal page and send Travelloggers to your bound wallet; if you don't bind, or want to use another wallet to receive, please reply to the wallet address in the comment area. The above rewards will be sent within two to three days.

Finally, congratulations and thanks to the above authors for recording the creations and creations on the Tezos chain. We look forward to exploring more interesting creation methods in the web3 world through common thinking.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!