Control your dreams, own the world in your dreams

It's so painful to struggle in a dream

Recently, I saw a lot of articles on Zijimeng, and suddenly I felt that my dream was also very special, and I could definitely share it. I am a person who dreams very often. I always encounter many situations in my dreams, and even predict what will happen next week. Active mind change.

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Because of my fear of the dark, I had a hard time falling asleep. Even when I fell asleep, I often dreamed, usually three dreams a night, some of which I even remember. In fact, I don’t like dreaming very much, because dreaming is a very tiring thing, but I can’t control myself not to do it, so let’s just control the content of the dream. So I went to YT's video. Someone just said that the way to control "dream" is to record the content of the dream. I know it sounds amazing, but it can really be changed. I have reversed the plot of the dream several times. come over.

I remember one time I dreamed that I was pinched on the ground with my neck strangled, and I couldn’t get up no matter how hard I struggled, so I realized in the dream that it was a dream, I could control everything, and bat-like wings grew out of my back. The man took it into the air, then grabbed his neck with his right hand and dived down, hitting the ground heavily. In reality, I threw a punch against the wall at the same time, and it hurt for three days.

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Another time I dreamed that I was falling. I felt like I was lying down and fell for a long time. I wanted to catch the distant sun, but I couldn’t. I didn’t know what else to do anymore, and I was full of despair and powerlessness. , So I closed my eyes to prepare for the tragedy, but at this moment I suddenly exerted all my strength and realized that I was not such a person. When did I give up? All I could grab was myself, and then I held myself in the air for a few turns, and when I landed, I was in my armor.

Since then, I have been looking forward to my dreams. I even think that my dreams can be written as novels. Although there are many fantasy colors in my dreams, it also makes me think about my life. In the real world, I am You can't change your life. "Dreams" reflect our true feelings. The powerlessness we feel in dreams is like reality when we face pressure. If I give up even in dreams, will there be life at all?


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