The magic of thanks

PY CHEN 人生花滿院
🌼The little magic that makes you happy in life is actually very simple🌼
(Photo from Howie R)

Not sure what stories in your life have made you thankful? You can write it in the comments to share with you, my life is full of deeds to be thankful for, several of which were encountered abroad, such as fainting on the plane, getting lost, language problems, missing things...etc. Share a story from Delhi, India.

I remember that day I was going to a restaurant in Delhi, but the uber driver could not find a place and put me on the side of an unfamiliar road, in such a chaotic city, the sky was about to turn dark, and a single woman was on the side of the road full of traffic, I looked like I was very flustered and wanted to call another uber, but I didn’t even know the location. At this time, a couple took the initiative to ask me if I needed help? They kindly called an uber for me, and communicated with the driver in hindi (Hindi). The driver said, wish me a smooth journey.​

I don't know if you have the same experience as me. At that moment, I was really moved to say thank you to them. That thank you is different from the thank you that we usually reflexively say. At that moment, my heart was warm.

Taiwan can be said to be the most common place in the world to say "thank you", but I don't know if you belong to the mantra thank you, or thank you with a warm heart. Thank you with a warm heart will make you see the sun shining on the leaves. You can feel "so happy" in the moment, and you will feel "so happy" when you bite into this bread. There is a full sense of happiness in life.

Finally, I will tell you a little magic in life. In addition to thanking the people and things around you, don’t forget to thank yourself. Before going to bed at night, put your hands on your chest on the bed, feel like holding your heart, and sincerely tell yourself Say "Thank you, I'm happy today," and feel that happiness for about a minute. This is a magical happiness magic that you can try every night.

If you have any little stories to thank, please share them with us. I wish you a lot of happiness. ❤️

🌼Little Magic of Happiness: Before going to bed at night, put your hands on your chest on the bed, feel like you are holding your heart, sincerely say to yourself "Thank you, I am very happy today", and then feel that happiness about a minute.


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PY CHEN 人生花滿院禪修經驗超過十五年,曾於印度與尼泊爾旅居三年並於2023年正式完成五年高階禪修大手印的學習。目前於章成禪師門下學習。 個人生涯諮詢I豐盛意識自我覺察I 🌼
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