[004] Always upset because of nervousness? Overcoming "Nervousness"|Mental Compass Series|


You are standing in the preparation area at the back of the stage. You have been preparing for today's performance for half a year. However, when you heard the host call your name, all kinds of worries and anxious thoughts suddenly rushed into your brain, occupying your thinking, "What if I make a mistake?", "Will everyone dislike me? ”, “Will my efforts be in vain?” You keep asking yourself these unanswered questions, your heartbeat starts to speed up, and when you step onto the stage and stand up, your mind is only blank.

Welcome to Forward Cafe, this is Mr. A. Today, I'm here to talk to you. It's hard to avoid "nervousness" in the process of growing up. From professional athletes on the field to students in the classroom, their performance may be affected by excessive tension, unable to exert their real strength, and thus miss their ideals. Why do we get nervous, and how can we get rid of it?

First of all, the tension is related to the previous article "How to stand up again under setbacks? Like the negative emotions mentioned in "Overcoming "Frustration"" , it is one of the automatic mechanisms of our brain, and it can be said that it is a "protective mechanism" to protect us from danger. Just imagine, when a raptor with sharp teeth and claws approached you, don't care where the raptor came from, you will be nervous and want to run away, this is how our brains help us survive - stay away Threats, so your heart beats faster and your thinking narrows, all to get you out of the threat as soon as possible.

But a speech, a game, or talking to a stranger is unlikely to kill you, so why are we still nervous, and what are we afraid of? The answer is "unknown," the unknown of what will happen next. We tend to imagine the worst, worst outcome, which in turn reinforces the tension. Are these consequences possible? It may be possible, but most of them are unlikely in view of reality.

Therefore, if you want to reduce or get rid of tension, the key is how to eliminate this fog-like "unknown". To put it simply, as long as you start taking action and get clear feedback, even if the results are not very good, at least you can be sure that the "worst" results in your mind will not happen. You can overcome the blockage caused by tension and start taking action by diverting your attention or using techniques such as the "five-second rule". When you take the first step, you will find that it is actually not as bad as you imagined. .

Second, the more difficult and time-consuming method is to improve your understanding of the overall situation through accumulating experience and knowledge. On a 19×19 chessboard, every move has almost incalculable possibilities. A complete novice may not even know how his opponent will move, so it is difficult to even decide how he should start; however, through practice and Learning, accumulating the understanding of the game, from the layout, the middle game, to the final closing, what strategy to adopt for what game, naturally you can choose your own moves effectively and wisely. When you are clear about what may happen next, the unknown is eliminated, and naturally you will not be nervous.

In conclusion, a lot of our tension comes from the "unknown", that is, not knowing how things will develop, so we can get feedback by taking action to know directly how things will develop, but tension can make us hold back, So you can take the first step by giving orders to your body through diversion or the "five-second rule"; or, through practice and learning, you can improve your understanding of the situation, know how different situations will happen, and how to deal with them. , draw a map in the fog, and naturally you will not worry about getting lost.

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