If you are a talent, don't let Web 3.0 go!

If you want to earn more than others, you must pay more than others!

Recently, someone shared an insight report on the influence of Web 3 from Science and Technology News, and found that Web 3 technology is a trend that global companies, investors, and new startups are all actively developing. The cryptocurrency that everyone knows is actually a part of Web 3, and more in the future. Also influential is the DAO, which is also part of Web 3. It is no wonder that even in the bear market, there are still many enterprises and companies actively developing Web 3, hoping to seize the opportunity first.

The rapid development of blockchain has greatly increased the demand for Web 3 talents. Because of the high flexibility and freedom of Web 3, talents who originally worked in Web 2 have begun to move to Web 3 to find jobs. Web 3 brings more opportunities to many people, both in money and technology.

Source: Science and Technology News Orange Web 3 Influence Insight Report

I just saw the blockchain engineer training course recently, and the application has been opened. It is expected that the admission list will be announced at the end of July, and the class will start on 8/8. The course is expected to last 18 weeks, with classes taking place on Monday and Thursday evenings for two hours each, with approximately 10-15 hours of study hours per week.

The qualifications for the application must have more than 2 years of experience as a software engineer , who can be admitted only after passing an interview. The first priority is the enthusiasm for the blockchain field, as well as the technical problem-solving and self-learning ability accumulated in the past.

Reference article: AppWorks School Launches Free Blockchain Training Course! Help experienced developers to open a new path for Web3

I want to join myself, but unfortunately I have no software engineer experience. At present, the Web3 global market has just begun, and there is still a lot of room for development. That is why there is a shortage of blockchain engineers. After all, the growing industry lacks talents, so I want to enter this industry. Invest in yourself in advance of the industry! Instead of staying in the sunset industry, which is very competitive and can't make much money, it is better to spend some time and energy to prepare ahead of others, so as to seize the opportunity!

I fully agree that the bear market is the critical period mentioned in the Web 3 Influence Insight Report of Science and Technology News Orange. From the past historical findings, including the popular NFTs in 2021, in fact, the earliest batch appeared in 2017 when it was about to enter the bear market. When there is too much capital in the market, opportunities are often occupied by speculators, and in a bear market, a bear market is a critical period for the development of important projects. Teams with clear goals and actual progress can be seen by investors, and will also be the Web3 field. A critical period for major innovation and development.

Source: Science and Technology News Orange Web 3 Influence Insight Report

I am Little Frog, and I like to study all things in the blockchain. If you don’t know me, please read “Where is Little Frog Sacred (Self-Introduction) ”.

If you are new to blockchain and cryptocurrencies, you can start by reading the following articles.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Lazy Pack for Beginners

Advanced Lazy Pack for Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Thank you for your patience in reading the article. The following is a series of introduction articles I wrote for another platform that makes money, Potato Media. If you agree with the concept of common good and want to earn extra income, welcome to register Potato Media, you can use my registration code , Let's make a fortune together! If you want to know this platform, you can refer to this official introduction .

Potato Media series of articles

1. Get to know the platform Potato Media: Introduction to Potato Media Lazy Pack
2. Potato Media's business opportunities: Looking at Potato Media's business opportunities from FB
3. Potato Media related information and Q&A summary
4. Four months of experience sharing: Potato Media is a good concept platform for me
5. Potato Media in continuous improvement: My thoughts on the official Potato Media


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