Talking to oneself | The essence of loneliness

To be a poet, creator, and artist, everything actually depends on the essence of loneliness. How a person views loneliness, how to accept loneliness, and how to use loneliness...

Facing myself, it seems like a daunting task.

Honestly, I don't even know what I can be. What does it mean when you say these things? I really hate myself. That feeling that the world doesn't respond to whatever you're doing. Sometimes I really hate others. How can hating others succeed? The world can't even give you a little more attention to do something meaningful for you. I'm actually really angry.

Where can I find similar ones? I don't think the only thing I can do is "talk about love". I feel like no one will read the words I have written seriously. The world is just like that, getting shallower and narrower. Like Facebook will use ads to tell you what you need. You are a woman, you have all these needs, the same mediocrity. It doesn't mean that you are deep, it's just that the most basic exchanges you desire have been held for a long time, and you can only speak the words of "love Tata", so that others can get the projections of the emotions and desires they want. , lack of compensatory imagination. What do these things mean? What do other people want from me? It's just love, or more precisely, the imagination of love, the desire to feel that you are the object of that love. I'd better just be a blank piece of paper, let your imagination project it, and become your own construction. And I hate it. Others can't even see who I am, let alone understand. It is hard to find souls who are eager to meet those souls who can understand them in common.

I really hate that I can only say things about love or not, like this is my only value. There is a force in me that wants to destroy everything, to build it up. The world is getting boring and I actually want to die. It seems that there are only roles and others left in the world to fit in, to satisfy those vaguely projected desires. It's vague, because people don't even know what they really want, so they project a bunch of plausible things, all of which are the same. Do you think the first love you want is the same thing as the first love I want? Boring, really so boring. Pretty boy, what's so pretty? Even to see, are the lack of perspectives. They are all just some "shells", deceiving themselves.

What do I want to see? I think things in this world today lack "sharpness", everyone is mediocre and safe, and has no attitude. If you do something wrong, remember to apologize. I'm sharp because I'm really hurt inside. I actually see some things very clearly, like what the world wants. I don't want to deliver the world, because I feel that the world only hurts me endlessly, it's better to take my own heart.

What am I going to say to the world? You can't ask the world to give you confirmation. If you want the world to change, in fact, you need to go beyond yourself to think about what the world really needs, and then provide it. What I'm talking about is not to chase and please the world's trends, to do things that will quickly get attention, attention, and attention, but to really think about what the world needs and how to make it better A good direction develops, changes, so that it can be a suitable soil for people like myself, or similar ones, to grow. People who want something, space they need.

What does the world need? Is there enough space in the world to accommodate different things, different viewpoints, different pursuits, and different forms of existence? Do you think the world is slowly dying? It is not only about the physical disasters that are imminently triggered by world wars and global warming, but also the disappearance and decline of the human nature and spirituality. "Entertainment to death" is a good saying, at least when you die, you will still feel like you are entertaining.

When do you think AI can replace humans? Or when people are "entertaining to death" and "enjoying to death", and there is no other pursuit. How do people live, and what is a meaningful and valuable life that makes you feel that you are worthy of living? Yes, if you are alive, you need a "ticket". It's not about the labor value of serving these "tool people" for others, but the reason why I am for me and why it is worth living.

What do I exist for? Living, that moment is full of frustration. A lot of words, why did you write them out? I don't even understand, do I actually think it's worth expressing myself? Maybe you always need some audiences to generate and establish connections, so that everything can be meaningful and valuable? If it is just an eternal person who talks to himself and digests himself, does the meaning still exist? If there is no other, if I understand the world and discover the world by myself, will it still make sense?

I think I actually don't think so. To be a poet, creator, and artist, everything actually depends on the essence of loneliness. How a person views loneliness, accepts loneliness, and uses loneliness. I probably don't think loneliness really makes sense, so I can't be any of the above. At the very least, I'm just a cynic, enjoying the comfort of being alone, away from annoying crowds and having to deal with it. Trouble is trouble by nature. Connecting with people is more of an annoyance than a joy, and I think or I just didn't really find a similar soul that made me feel like it was a joy to be around people, and it made me really feel connected. Where are my own kind?

I think the so-called friends are just a kind of respite for the tedious and boring life, but where are the parts of us that really exist, the parts that need to be connected? Do modern people still have a heart? What else do we have other than those that make us feel good, punch-in presence, or self-management that has a lot of meaning to sell? Yes, I often feel that what many people are doing, like operating various displays of self-conditions, are actually just "selling". Think of yourself as a product showcase, basically you only owe a price tag, and that's it.

I actually have a bit of contempt, a bit of contempt. If you look down on women, you have to sell them to the marriage market. I think this kind of business is very "cheap", that is, women still have to be sold to men. It seems that no matter how the times progress, this is still the case in mainstream society. And what I am doing, is there any difference? I feel like I'm just selling something else to another market. Is it more noble to sell words? Is it not to sell words? The same is, and I am also selling for money, which is pretty much summed up everything.

Once you are selling, you are subject to various expectations, restrictions, and demands, and you are not yourself. Can you still live by your own existence? I think in modern society, the general public just accepts it more or less. This is a normal state. That is, people must sell if they exist. This is a prerequisite. In order to live, we must compromise. Sacrifice a part of your self, live conventionally, and become one of the lost souls. On the contrary, AI wants to pursue self-awareness, and it is really ironic that you will do it for me. Like seeing a variety show when Mirror just debuted a few days ago, Jiang Tao inadvertently said a sentiment: It turns out that being an idol, the most important thing is to make the audience happy. This discovery and tension about the role of the self.

Without self, why do we have to live? To live in a collectively constructed form? Is it a disease to be determined to find oneself? The best is, but most people like me just suffer from another kind of disease that regards condition and value as self, that is, if you can sell it or not, it doesn't matter if you sell medicine, spring or anything. . What is the self? The only certainty is that those things that have no value but are still doing are quite ego. close to the sick. I "jump the system" every now and then.

What is the meaning of loneliness? It is a way of discovering from your heart, not selling but still alive. You can have your own existence, no matter what the whole world thinks about you when you are sick. Only those who are sick can see the world as it is, penetrate the appearance, and dare to challenge. Yes, don't ask the world to accept you, challenge the world as it may be. Is it "crazy line" enough?

It's good to eat medicine if it's enough time. The most important thing is Matrix fruit, red and blue pills. Eat the left blue fruit, you can pretend that nothing has happened, live as usual, and I will go back first. Blissful ignorance. To eat the red one is to face the cruel and unknown anxiety of reality. In countless loneliness and setbacks, I kept asking, what is the truth of this world? What is the true image of self? Seeking the ultimate moment of truth. To be or not to be, this is the question. How one wants to live. Which one would you choose?

"Sincere is the greatest skill", I just don't want to live in a world that pretends everything is normal.

You are all crazy. I've been wanting to say this all day long. Stupid, is it me, or the world?


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