Dateless Coffee|Korean coffee shop offering super delicious scones


What is the reason for everyone to go to a coffee shop? Looking for a beautiful place to have a cup of coffee and chat with friends, or come here for the food? Then this triple coffee shop called dateless coffee has both.

dateless coffee environment

The design of the entire store has only one principle, white. This place is like a white wonderland, everything is white, the only thing that is not white may be the coffee machine and the guests waiting outside haha!

Although it is a coffee shop, his scones are actually quite famous. There are as many as six flavors of scones to choose from, which can definitely satisfy everyone's discerning taste buds. Presumably many people come here for the sake of Si Kang, in addition to the snow-white storefront.

After experiencing the difficulty of choosing between heaven and man, I decided to order the cranberry scones that definitely didn't look like thunder. However, after actually taking a bite, I realized that my worry was superfluous. The hot scones that just came out of the oven, the slightly crispy surface, and the refreshing cranberries, can only be said to be fascinated by this dessert!

I don't know if it's because of the performance of Sikang, but the coffee can only be regarded as quite satisfactory in comparison. Could it be that this is actually a scone shop that was delayed by coffee?! After my tasting this time, I think so hahaha. Seeing everyone here, if you want to roam in a super dreamy snow-white cafe and taste delicious scones, then you must come here.

I'm a coffee addict and I'm on my way to explore a coffee shop.

Store information

Dateless Coffee

No. 1, Fuhe Street, Sanchong District, New Taipei City (about 7 minutes away from Taipei Bridge Station)

Business Hours: 10:00 – 18:00

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