Natural Remedies ♦ Back to the Whole + High-Dose Vitamin C

The best first aid: high-dose vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Naturopathic medicine, also known as natural medicine, can cover mountains and seas, almost non-mainstream medicine, those seeking self-healing power, and those seeking physical and spiritual growth. It emphasizes a natural and balanced diet treatment, using various natural methods to restore the overall balance and achieve overall health.

Do you feel that it sounds very similar to our traditional Chinese medicine theory? Some natural medicine people will really go to learn Chinese medicine for a few years!

In fact, it was only at a later stage that I began to understand the meaning behind "natural therapy/natural medicine". At first, it originated from the so-called "high-dose vitamin therapy" recommended by a friend.

Reading book: "Bible of Cell and Molecular Correction Medicine"

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Overnutrition? Undernutrition?

The previous cognition always thought that modern people are in a state of overnutrition, because we almost eat whatever we want, and we can enjoy whatever we like every day. How happy!

In fact? Large-scale planting leads to soil deterioration and insufficient fertility, excessive use of drugs and chemical fertilizers, and the harvested crops are only beautiful shells, with no taste and nutrition at all; large-scale animal husbandry for good management can be said to be cruelty to animals. There is a model, there is not enough space for forced diet and drug abuse, and the animal products produced are naturally nutrient-deficient and drug residues must exist. More flavorful additions are no strangers to ingredients.

The most amazing thing is that these artificial additives tend to absorb better than healthy ingredients. As a result, it becomes a physique that is easily crooked at will. In addition, the pressure of social life is now much greater than before! Life is tight, the Internet is boring, work pressure, unable to read, etc. Basically, my body and mind are riddled with holes.

↑In the film, it has been clearly mentioned that the loss and degradation of nutrients in vegetables and fruits is 2.30% in the light, and even 8.90% in the serious!

Micro research

Natural therapy originated from Europe and the United States. Western science likes to extract and analyze various food slices to see what the ingredients of these foods are. I also thoroughly researched nutritional supplements such as vitamins, and found that what is missing is easy to have problems, or the problem of xx is which nutrients are missing. Quick and short-term supplementation of the required vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, and at the same time, review your own eating habits, and slowly correct the unhealthy parts. Basically, it is the same as that when taking traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine must be careful to avoid food!

If you prefer scientific research series, the list of books on high-dose vitamin therapy should be very enjoyable. These vitamins, minerals, trace elements, etc. are quite cheap and easy to obtain abroad, so you can imagine why natural medicine uses these vitamins. If you want to buy in Taiwan, Costco (physical) and iherb (Internet) are all good choices.

The impression of the experiment is that there will be real progress after a period of time, but it is necessary to eat enough. After the experiment, my friend's whole body is like rejuvenation. A big man's complexion is super good, and his lips are still the moist pink natural color that girls envy, which is so convincing! I recommend it to my parents. They always feel like they are swallowing medicine after taking it twice, which is a bit awkward, especially some of the supplements are very large in the form of tablets. At this time, I realized that not everyone can easily swallow a bunch of them at a time. And there are differences in the psychological acceptance of supplements.

Although I am very accepting of taking capsules and lozenges every day, and my body has made progress after eating for a while, I suddenly thought: if I want to carry out this set all the time, I have to eat some supplements every day to support the body and let the body If the body is in a good state, is there no plan to stop eating at the end and maintain it with normal eating?

The Importance of Checking Judgments

If you eat too many supplements, it may be easier to excrete some of them, but it will not have much impact on the body. What if the body is not easy to excrete it? Is there any doubt that too much intake will cause another problem in the body? This is why the recommended dosage is written on every can of health supplements.

Can we accurately judge the different physical states of each person to choose the supplements we need to eat? Usually in naturopaths, tests such as blood tests (or other special tests) are recommended to determine the absence or absence of it by numerical value.

  • The following are purely my personal doubts:

Checking this thing will give a standard value, or a standard interval, which is abnormal if it exceeds or falls short. But I often think that if the basic theory is that everyone has a different physique and is different, the adjustment is to bring back the balance of the individual. Wouldn't there be people with values outside the average norm but with balanced bodies? I have heard it in the mouths of friends or in the gossip of the villagers. Some people feel that something is wrong, but when they go to check, everything is normal.

After reading a few books, although natural therapy is said to be a non-mainstream medicine, it stands on the standpoint of mainstream medicine in terms of identifying diseases, and many research materials also stand on the shoulders of scientific research. It is also limited by scientific development, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, natural therapy emphasizes the improvement of living habits and eating habits. This is really a great point. If you eat healthy and delicious food and live a comfortable life, there is no doubt that you will naturally move towards a healthier direction. The satisfaction of body and mind will naturally not have the opportunity for negative energy to invade, or to digest negative energy well, rather than being easily dragged into the abyss.

The best first aid: high-dose vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

  • Vitamin C Choices: Natural food sources are of course the best in quality and absorption, but the price is not friendly. The price of glucose is cheap and the effect is good, and the threshold for daily use is low and the acceptance is high. It is best to choose pure C powder without added sugars, seasonings and additives. The place of origin is also a major factor affecting the quality, so please look carefully.
  • Weak stomach, flatulence, stomach pain, gastroesophageal reflux, vitamin C options: sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, liposome/liposome vitamin C, C with minerals will become acid-free and not hurt the stomach, liposome/micro Liposomal vitamin C molecules are smaller for better absorption and gastrointestinal friendly. Esterified vitamin C can also be used, but this is often used as a long-acting or slow-release type, which is prone to dosage errors and is best avoided.
  • Frequent use: 15-30 minutes, 1-3g each time.
  • Body tolerance limit: The single limit is based on personal intestinal tolerance, and you can try it from 1g; the comprehensive limit is the full amount needed for the whole day. If you have acute symptoms, colds, allergies or inflammation, the total amount required may be Will be as high as 30-60g.
  • Exceeding the body's tolerance limit: diarrhea will occur, both at a single time and at the comprehensive limit. When the limit is almost reached, there will be a quite obvious peristalsis in the intestines. At this time, it means that you have eaten too much at one time or you have enough to stop today.

Basically, there are no other side effects of C overdose except for diarrhea, so it is an ultra-safe vitamin. It is very suitable for temporary symptoms when you are very busy in daily life, or when you go abroad to play, you can directly bring a bottle of vitamin C powder. It is super versatile and maintains Healthy energy and quick relief of colds are super easy to use!

If you have a cold when you are out, high-dose vitamin C is really effective. You don't have to lie down to recuperate, and you can continue to be energetic and wave around without wasting time~


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