How to make a habit irresistible? You need to "tie" these 2 things together! 》

Dr.J 的成長實驗室
In the last article, we talked about the "Four laws of behavior change" proposed by James Clear, and gave an example of "Make it obvious". In this article, I will tell you Share the second rule of thumb: "How to make it attractive", are you ready? Then let's get started!

Talking about how to make habits attractive, James gave an example of exercise. Suppose you decide today that you want to get up early tomorrow, get up at six o'clock, and the next morning, when the alarm goes off, you realize that it looks cold outside, and the bed It's so warm, you just think, "It's better to start tomorrow..."

But to put it another way, suppose you set an alarm for 6 o'clock today, but the night before, you sent a message to your good friend, and made an appointment to run in the park at 6:15 the next morning; The alarm goes off, your bed is as warm, and it's as cold outside, but at this time, if you don't get up and go to a run with your friend, you're an asshole because you're leaving your friend alone in the park.. .

Therefore, you did not make the matter of "getting up early to run" easy, but you made it more "worth doing" and "irresistible" because you had to go to a friend's appointment.

How to use "Temptation Bundling" to make habits more attractive?

In "Atomic Habits", it is mentioned that in Dublin, Ireland, there is a student of electrical engineering named Ronan. Byrne (Ronan Byrne), he likes watching Netflix, but he knows that he is not enough exercise, so Byrne uses his motor expertise, modified the indoor exercise bike, connected it to the laptop and TV, he wrote a program , let Netflix play "only" when the exercise bike is pedaled at a certain speed, and as long as the pedaling speed slows down for too long, no matter what show he is watching at the moment, it will be paused until he pedals again; one fan described him as "Get rid of obesity with chasing dramas".

Byrne is using "temptation binding" to make exercise habits more attractive.

Temptation binding works by tying together what you want to do with what you need to do. In Byrne's case, he tied watching Netflix (something you want to do) with riding an exercise bike (something you need to do).

In James' book, temptation bundling is an application of the psychological theory "Platts' Principle," which finds: "The use of a learner's preferred activity as a reinforcer promotes the learner's interest in a less preferred activity."

For example, there is a student who is afraid of talking to people, but he likes computers. When he finds problems in learning computers, he must ask his peers or teachers for help. His interest in continuing to learn computers will dilute his fear when interacting with people; By learning computer activities, eliminating the fear of talking with people and increasing his chances of talking with people is the application of the "Platts Principles".

How, then, can we design our own "bundle of temptation"?

In his website article, James shares a simple exercise that allows us to design our own "temptation bundles" to accomplish more "what needs to be done."

First, take out a piece of paper (or use Excel, Word, Notion...whatever you want to use), draw a two-column table, in the first column, fill in whatever you want and like to do, these are Your "temptation"; then, in the second column, fill in the task or action you need to do but always put off.

Take a good time, write as much as you can about everything you need to do, and then try to "connect" your "temptations (things you want to do, things you're happy to do)" and "things you should do."

He cites a few examples in the article:

  • Only listen to your favorite ebooks or podcasts while you are exercising
  • Only go to your favorite restaurant after finishing your important monthly meeting with a difficult coworker

I have a few ideas myself:

  • Only listen to your favorite songs while running
  • Only by modifying your personal website can you watch the movies you want to watch on Netflix
  • Only after reading the daily progress of Japanese can you watch the Japanese drama you want to watch
  • ….and many more

As the author says at the end of this chapter of the book:

Designing truly irresistible habits is always a difficult task.
But the simple strategy of "temptation bundling",
Almost any habit can be made more attractive than it should be!

Seeing this, are you ready to design your own "Temptation Bundle"😊

Share your results in the comments below!


In the next article, I will share "How to combine "Temptation Binding" and "Habit Stacking" to create a set of rules that guide behavior"!

What is "habit stacking"? How should it be combined with "temptation binding"?

Stay tuned 😊

If you haven't read the first 3 articles, you can follow the link below 😎
#1 "Tomorrow, what kind of vote do you want to "cast" for your future? 》
#2 "The key factor that determines the outcome is not the goals you set, but the "system" you follow"
#3 "Through these 4 principles, keep yourself away from bad habits and successfully create good habits! 》

Reference information:

Premark Principle

How to Stop Procrastinating and Boost Your Willpower by Using "Temptation Bundling"

"Atomic Habits"

Thank you for always seeing this, I hope the above sharing can give you a little inspiration ^^

I'm Dr. J, your #growlab .

If you want to see more of my sharing,

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If you have any questions or ideas, please let me know by leaving a message below!

See you in our next article!


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Dr.J 的成長實驗室歡迎加入《成長進行式》電子報! 一起踏上成長的行列! 前國際品牌的全球產品行銷企劃 一個熱愛閱讀、追求個人成長與改變的實驗家 成長來自於一個個實驗的過程 生活,是最理想的實驗室 協助一樣喜歡成長的你, 共同實驗出更精采的人生😊
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