Really calm down! Ladies and gentlemen.

It’s really important to control your temper. If you don’t care about winning or losing, you don’t need your temper. If you care, you must be able to control it. If you don’t learn to control your temper, then you just want to lose.

In fact, I often encountered this kind of thing when I was doing mediation before, but I haven't encountered it for a long time after I left. However, someone came to ask for help a few days ago. I can only say that the world is very simple, and half the battle is won by being calm.

Well, a middle-aged woman asked me what to do when she encountered workplace bullying.

All right! Workplace bullying...Actually, I hate dealing with workplace bullying cases, because they are really talking about each other, it is really difficult to confirm which side is right, and the only information we have is really only what the two sides are saying.

Or there are behaviors on both sides.

This time the situation is like this. Woman A works in a certain company and screwed up something one day. First confirm this. She admits that she screwed up something, but she also stressed that it was because the machine was not properly adjusted before, and she continued to use Something went wrong.

Next, the supervisor and colleagues scolded her "all the time" and asked her, "Do you still want to work?", and finally told her, "If you don't want to do it, go back!"

Regarding "always", I don't know how long it has been, and a single incident probably doesn't constitute a fact of bullying. After all, she did screw things up, so it can be explained as a very simple friction, and then "if you don't want to do it, go back." Lay!” To be honest, it is the most stupid thing for a supervisor to say, and employees can grasp this sentence to determine that the supervisor has unilaterally dismissed, and can ask for severance pay and issue a certificate of involuntary resignation. And this kind of language that takes employment rights as a threat can definitely be claimed to cause psychological fear of labor, and indeed it may constitute the establishment of workplace bullying (just talk a few more times and you will be done). Don't think that you have the right to curse people like this when you are in charge. Labor and management are equal. It is really stupid to use curses to deal with problems.

In the end, the laborer really went home, but it would be okay if it was just like that, because the supervisor asked her to go back, she only did things according to the supervisor's request, and any responsibility was the supervisor's responsibility.

But the lady couldn't hold back her breath and thought she was being insulted, so she replied, "Today I am leaving by myself, so I don't want to do this kind of work."

Please, really don't want to win the game and lose, do you think it's handsome and powerful? Wrong, on the contrary, it is really a big mistake to say this, and now it becomes your one-sided resignation or absenteeism.

Again, in these types of cases, we only have testimony from both sides, and almost all of them will have a lot of emotional words in it, and it is really difficult to judge right or wrong.

But behavior is another matter. Today, this lady went home is a fact of behavior, but the reason for this fact is whether the supervisor asked her to go back or she went back by herself. The two things have completely different positions, so this woman Because the lady couldn't swallow it herself, she felt that she could exhale for herself by saying these words... As a result, the more she thought about it when she got home, the more wrong she felt. Now I want to ask someone for help, so I can only shake my head, because you admit that it is you. If you want to leave, then even if you sue someone for bullying (it’s hard to set up, it looks like a single quarrel), and someone bites you for truancy (obviously it’s a fact because you admit that you want to leave), no matter how you look at it, you have no chance to win.

Really, I have seen all kinds of habitual offenders, both the labor and the management. They just deliberately provoke people to lose their temper and scold him, and wait for the other party to say "don't do it"... Really, whoever says this will lose. I have seen the kind of mediation habitual criminals who use this trick to bully their bosses and force them to pay for the settlement By the way, report a vote, forcing you to take money to make him clear the case), I have also seen the kind of short-term hire of no-wash employees and then insulting them to force them to quit, and then use the other party’s absence as an excuse to deduct their salary (in fact, the deduction is deducted). It's illegal), to deceive some ignorant young men.

In short, the key is the same, don't say "don't do it", who says it's wrong!


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