▇ A book for you ▇ Read [Hong Kong Part Two]: You can’t block the showers, and you can’t block the sunshine either.

I have always wanted to say something about Hong Kong. When I think of my friends in Hong Kong, I always feel helpless. I don’t know when I will be able to take the Star Ferry again, which will shake off my already too lame mind.

▇ Books for you ▇ Books I read, my personal opinions. For your reference.

Some people say that Hong Kong is a wetter, hotter and stickier version of Taiwan. I don’t think so at all. Hong Kong is Hong Kong itself, and there is no other place like Hong Kong.

Hong Kong gives me a very complicated feeling, full of inexplicable attraction. It seems that anyone can go to Hong Kong and find a place to squat, grow buds, or rot on the roadside. Hong Kong will tolerate all darkness or light. Hong Kong I am full of light and shadow everywhere, and all kinds of opposites coexist.

A small Hong Kong with all kinds of disorderly street scenery. But in that disorder, there is an order of its own, bending into an alley that seems to be the end of the road, always leading to the new clock tower. The never-ending construction of Wan Chai Pier, the crowds of fun-seeking tourists on Lan Kwai Fong Road, the neon-gleaming signboards, the smell of wine and meat, the fresh smell of the sea from Victoria Harbor on the Star Ferry at the other end of Tsim Sha Tsui, the sights of Harbor City The setting sun, the soup stalls on the street, the high-rise buildings and brand-name stores everywhere, the rickety cars, the British and Cantonese-style buildings... In my eyes, Hong Kong is real and psychedelic, psychedelic. It's like I'm not there, but I'm really standing there, being pushed forward, unable to block the showers or the sunshine.

Four years ago, I read Ma Jiahui's "Dragon Head and Phoenix Tail", and four years later, I read "Mandarin Duck 674". Hong Kong is no longer the Hong Kong of yesterday. But let’s put it this way, has Hong Kong ever stayed in the past?

The drastic changes in Hong Kong are like high-speed trains. This kind of story can only happen in Hong Kong. Each of those fierce characters has a three-dimensional existence. In the turbulent and explicit lust of men and women who seem to be in love, every sunrise and sunset are... Survival is extremely difficult, and it is precisely because the word love is an everyday thing that affects people's hearts with all kinds of arrogance caused by love, all kinds of contradictions, all kinds of imagination and betrayal, all kinds of choices and entanglements, no matter you are The boss of the hall is still a singer in the stone pond, a secret police officer or a fortune teller, a bad guy or a shrew, no matter whether he raises his head or shrinks his head, he can't avoid the sword of romance. It's the bones of those who have forgotten their feelings, and their chatter is piled up to form a watchtower - with We saw the past and present life of the Oriental Pearl Tower.

When can I go to Hong Kong again? I really do not know. What is unforgettable is not just the taste of Jinnan Pineapple Oil, many memories are like cuts on the skin. Even if the wounds are healed, I still feel uneasy when I occasionally glimpse the color of the scars. But I always believe in the power of Hong Kong people. Maybe everything now is like a nightmare that I can't wake up from, but Hong Kong people are strong existences. They can find various ways to survive. No matter how they live or clash, they have a strong attitude towards life. Their strong will for freedom will surely enable them to make their way through great rivers and lakes. Even if it is not heaven, it will not be an endless hell.

I will pray for Hong Kong like this.

▇Book information▇

Yuanyang 674/Ma Jiahui/New Classic Culture/2020.05
Dragon Head and Phoenix Tail/ Ma Jiahui/ New Classic Culture/ 2016.06

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林靈姝多元工作者|文案。行銷。企劃。寫作| 喜歡閱讀世界,喜歡人,喜歡文字推進的力量, 最喜歡你喜歡我的文字。 More about me:https://sites.google.com/view/lingshu1019/
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