Sports Log - July 11 (Mon)

Today I feel like doing abs training in the morning and doing 200 air bikes in the evening are routine. My family got used to it and they even talked to me while I was training...

July 11

1 A-mei was the first to get up today. She woke up just before dawn (should be five o'clock), sat on the bed and shouted, what happened? I got up and carried her to my side, lay down, and then went to sleep, but she slept and shouted, coaxed, fell asleep, and shouted again. After two or three cycles, she finally decided to get up.

2 Amei's first sentence when she wakes up is "brushing her teeth", ha, maybe she is hungry and wants to brush her teeth for breakfast. Assisted her to brush her teeth and wash her face, and then gave her bread and milk. She sat down to eat, and she was really hungry.

3 After she ate breakfast, she returned to her usual elf trick-or-treating. When I was doing abs training, she used my phone to play. Ask her if she wants to do training together today? When she said yes, she lay down with her phone in hand, raised her feet, and then put her feet down and lay beside me. Eh. . . Just too happy too early.

4 In the morning, I still use the phone with my sister to complete the abdominal muscle training. Every time I finish an exercise, I take the phone back to watch the next exercise. ).

5 Today, I feel that doing abdominal muscle training in the morning and doing 200 air cycling in the evening are routine. My family got used to it, and they even talked to me while I was working out, but I usually couldn't respond because I had to focus on my breathing or counting.

6 At 6:15 pm, I went to the clubhouse swimming pool to swim 400 meters (50 meters x 8 times). More people are swimming than ever, especially male swimmers, which makes me uncomfortable. On the 6th and 7th swim, I was so distracted that I ate two mouthfuls of pool water and was forced to pause for a while in the middle of the swim, and left after barely finishing the 400-meter swim.

Daughter is taking swimming lessons

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